Recruitment crisis

US military enlistment is reaching catastrophic lows. Nobody wants to enlist and people who are already enlisted are rushing for the exits. How would you resolve this problem?

My suggestions?
>bring back the draft
If pussies won't fight for their country then make them

>give citizenship to anyone who comes here and enlists
Maybe you'll shape up when you see some Mexichads fighting

>blow up the Empire State building or something and blame Russia
Worked with 9/11 and Pearl Harbor

Attached: original.jpg (1200x1776, 517.6K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Abolish the standing army


Relax, i'm sure Amerimuttica can win wars with broccoli haired zoomers, spics, niggers, and trannies with two moms. What else is there to fight for?


>bring back the draft

You first faggot.

They'll meet the quota for the year. But I can guarantee each subsequent year will be harder and the quality of people, that was already low, will drop through the floor. Army was always a shit fest anyway, they take the worse of the worse scum. I'm ex-Navy and if you can't be in the Navy yet the Army will take you? That says something.

fuck, just make it cool again. we're so hidden aaway from what our military gets to play with that it may as well not even exist.

make it cool again. show off the tech. show it nationwide and in the skies. make us fucking marvel and say "that. i want to do that.".

trumps wish for a military parade was exactly what needed to be done.

not my problem

>Cartoon version: blue eyed blonde
>Live action version: brown eyed shitskin
Many such cases

>bring back the draft

Does america has the healthy manpool enough to fill work and military at the same time?

I'm sure %50 of the country is obese and unfit for any work or military service. The rest is spic and niggers

No one wants to fight for a whole military

Attached: FB741D8A-A291-4B15-B18F-613FB6860545.jpg (717x757, 120.31K)

fighting age, i think youd be surprised.
and being pulled out of life and into the machine can toughen you up quite fast.

i have faith in the kids, but no faith whatsoever in the very vocal fat slobs that dictate everything.

>They'll meet the quota for the year.
The Army has completed 67% of its recruitment quota for the fiscal year that ends 32 days from now

Is this picture real?

Those of us that wish to preserve our Constitutional Republic will not join the federal government that is controlled by anti American globalists.

Attached: goarmy.jpg (720x406, 71.77K)

The low recruitment was intentional to bring about the conditions for the use of autonomous weapon system.

Teddy Roosevelt spinning in his grave near light speed

It truly is a shame the Taliban couldn't finish this fucking evil kike shit hole off. Watching fucking kike bullshit like this makes me want to see DC fucking nuked and every kike murdered.

I don't think he's ready yet

Attached: doggo.webm (1280x720, 2.58M)

As a white man, I refuse to fight for a country that hates me.

I ain’t dying for Jewish banksters