Atheism Is Inconsistent with the Scientific Method, Prizewinning Physicist Says

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Yea... no shit

>no god
What was your hypothesis?

>Atheism is inconsistent
>let's believe jewish tales and holy casper or some yhwh shit

You don’t have to prove the null hypothesis, the goal of an experiment is to disprove it. You’d have to come up with an experiment that can be performed and that can prove the existence of God in the first place for supernatural shit to be scientific


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>prizewinning physicist states the obvious

I don't believe in anything anymore. Particularly I don't believe in Jewish Science anymore.

No... GLOBALISM is inconsistent with the scientific method. We are headed for a New Ice Age, but they keep lying and saying its getting hotter while controlled opposition says nothing is happening.

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>Literally one guy's opinion on atheism

>>no god
You people are dumb as shit

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>considers himself agnostic
He isn't wrong, but that's a distinction few people will care about one way or another.

God is in his true form not linked to any religion, neckbeard faggot.

Agnosticism is just hipster atheism.

How do you know its only one god?

What god?

he's not wrong
but any particular faith isn't consistent either
the media getting involved with smart people is always a disaster

only utter cunts think otherwise.

I feel like more people are realizing the truth the closer we get to the end. May God Bless us and have mercy on us all

You don't need "Science" to justify your belief in God. "Science" is just writing gay papers with manipulated statistics funded by whichever corporation would benefit.

you fucking clowns. the supernatural is by fucking definition outside the realm of scientific inquiry. blathering about science in matters of faith is fucking retarded.

He thought me back at ITA and triggered the trannies daily
90% of atheists are just butthurt that christians don't like HRT and gay sex

>the supernatural is by fucking definition outside the realm of scientific inquiry.
But that's obviously not true. E.g. Faith healing either works or not, of course such things are measurable.

We have iron-solid historical proof of God's action in history, see

Try to make a computer game and see how it goes you lowbrow faggot

Yeah the context of this statement is a physicist being a retard and insisting it is so…?

>Faith healing either works or not,
It doesn't
>of course such things are measurable
Demonstrate it

No you don't

You are once again insisting he prove a negative, that’s not how it works

The mathematical probability of the universe happening and be able to sustain life is abysmally improbable, a intelligent design or a magical rule that make life a obligation to the universe is more probable than random chance, thus atheism is retard and a revolt against reason and God.

Atheism is a religion. Fedoratards "believe" there is no God. They refuse to acknowledge anything outside the material realm (muh science), keeping themselves blind to God's revelation and condemning themselves to destruction.

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