Gun control doesn’t wor-

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Other urls found in this thread:

>preventing mass shootings is the only reason for gun control

>ban cars
>car deaths go down

>ban cats
>cat deaths go down

>Ban coconuts
>coconut deaths go down

Let's see the homicide statistics, retard

May I see the murder graph?

this is like saying in 1996 australia enacted free speech control. we havent had a lie told since.

They don’t have niggers

Most were sucides probably, my local police beat still got shot from a drive by so lmao

>Put down those guns, silly goy. We promise we won't go turbo-totalitarianism the moment you do.

Why has the overall homicide rate stayed the same?

But it doesn’t work.

Next can we chart C02 and temperature?

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Can't have a mass shooting when people aren't allowed to leave their houses

I see a continuation of the preexisting downward trend

In the 90s we had a somewhat rebel culture anti government and now everyone is domesticated whites or Chinks. You could make guns legal and it'd still be way down just from how servile everyone is now.

Violent crime has increased though, also murder rate increased.

But uh, yeah, no mass shootings since then

Don't care about Vegemite China

American gun homicides trended down in the same time period.

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Works at reducing gun deaths if done right but also makes it harder for citizens to kill govt agents when they come to put them in covid 19 camps

Thats, and we have no niggers, only docile abos

The entire movement was based on an intelligence agency false flag, an event which it is basically illegal to investigate in Australia now

And Australia shot puppies to prevent the spread of covid while turning their country into an open air prison. What's your point?

if anyone spends the five seconds it takes to look up mass murder in australia, the port arthur massacre was a complete statistical standout. nothing like it before or after gun control, aside from the abbo killings. nursing home fires became the method of choice for crazy fucks to kill people.

An overall loss of freedoms isn't worth the inability to defend ourselves against a tyranny government. Taking the sheep's teeth away because wolves have teeth, means only sheep can't bite; but the wolves still can.

>Stabbing related deaths up 300%
Oh wow, big win

More specifically, ones in violent gangs who shoot eachother for sport with a fuckton of illegal unregistered weapons they won't be deprived of by any ban on gun ownership.

It's the only justification that tricks enough people into signing away everyone's rights to them.

Months and months of BLM and antifa rioting and this shit for brains wants to disarm people. Didn't your own governments let in a bunch of Syrians that started running amok as soon as they got their feet into European soil?

the best fucking part is, it proves they are illiterate. any and all gun control is explicitly unconstitutional. it is an inherent right, not granted by any person or government. to forsake that truth is to forsake the constitution, whereby one becomes a traitor and an enemy to the United States.

nigger control doesnt wor-

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Australia didn't have mass shootings before.

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More guns now than then. Fuck off sage and gay

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Every movement is based on an alphabet agency false flag.


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>Post by EU Memeflaggot
You are dropped chang.

42% increase in violent crime since the ban.

its not the mentally stable responsible gun owners who are committing murder and mass shootings. america doesnt have a gun problem it has a lunatic problem, and the guns are too easily acquired by said loonies