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Its true but it wasnt reported by twitter or other kinds of heavily censored US state controlled media so I dont believe it.

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It's actually not a terrible news source. I get my news from there, alongside traditional media, here, twitter and Times of Israel -- knowing everything has a slant. American mainstream media feels more like propaganda than rt.

Rt doesn't tell me that experts agree inflation is good.

So they got a 2 billion tax credit

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I'll expand on this idea. Rt is written like traditional journalism used to be. Just facts, mostly, outside of the editorials. What they chose to focus on is biased, yes, but that has always been the case. American media is just editorials at this point...it's written for social media clicks.

Wall Street Journal: "An amazing week for investors fuels fantastic gains in US stock market - what this means for you!"
Rt: "DOW closes gaining 20 points this week."

Small price for the destruction of Russia.

What's "PDA"?

Jew cries in pain as he takes financial hit after quitting Russia.

>destroying Russia by not selling them French cars
Lol, what a cope.

Public display of affluence

Thank you user.

Russian media coping about French cars

So they let the market open for russian cars, boosting their local industries even more? Genius plan

Do you enjoy riding your Renault?

Take it from french CNN then

And what hit did auroVAZ take? Oh, right, it nearly stopped existing. But RT will never write about it.

You will ride Chinese cars and you will be happy.

No, RT are even worse hypocrites than CNN. On RT international they take strong anti VAX policy while on RT Russia all they were doing is scaremongering about virus, telling how Russian vaccines are safe and effective and why you should VAX your little kids too.

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Don't have a French car also I'm not coping about not having one like the Russians

Russians also like Mercedes and Toyota, but not everyonecan afford them, lol. French cars are somewhat better than Russian cars, but still not something to cry about.

>how Russian vaccines are safe and effective
Is Sputnik mRNA though?
>scaremongering about virus
Fkn faggots.

Agreed. They lie too but it's less shameless.

>Renault takes a hit
>Russian car manufacturing completely collapses
>According to a hue monkey this is a win for Russia

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They'll report more thuthfully when it comes to Western problems but will never admit that it's way worse in many aspects in Russia itself. They are 100% Soviet minded hypocrites

They can rebuild and make it Russian or Chinese or something
It’s a small sacrifice for a greater goal

Digits are wasted. Obviously same media has different policies in different countries. RT in Latin America will not attack trannies because locals are not interested in such kind of rhetoric.

>they can become even more dependent on China
So much winning.

Better than drumpf tho
Unfortunately they can’t work with the French rn cause the French are compromised
Maybe in the future