California REJECTS desalination plant due to environmental reasons

Sorry Nevadans and Arizonians, the Colorado river belongs to Californians first. Here in California we still have grass lawns and we're going to keep our lawns green.

Great lakes to Los Angeles pipeline in inevitable.

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Leftists are insane.

Plankton, on the coast??? Christ. Israel is allowed desalination but not California.


I guarantee you some WEF fag financed the study saying this will kill the ocean and harm surfers and fish somehow. Happens every time.

How would a desalination plant destroy the eco-system? Does it just have a massive turbine that sucks in water and it would just make minced meat out of all the fish and turtles? Though they obviously just want to manufacture a drought at all costs.

One could argue building 100 suburban houses destroys an ecosystem, yet all of america is built that way.

That's exactly what happens and we need to protect this wildlife at all costs. Without fish global warming will increase. Algae is huge for the environment and it runs off fish poop. I'd rather lower the global temperature. Water can come from other states.

if the algae runs off of fish poop, and fish poop is just pooped out rotted remains of smaller fish that the bigger fish ate, and the desalination plant chops up fish and spits out the remains into the ocean...isn't that just a mechanical process replacing a natural process and the end result is plenty of waste for plankton to thrive on?



Aren’t water allowances signed between states, so if California exceeds it’s consumption their tap can be closed?

>Great lakes to Los Angeles pipeline
Never going to happen.

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Theyre right though. Desalination creates a high salinity brine that turns the immediate area into an uninhabitable wasteland.

As an engineer a better idea would be to just take water from the fucking air. A condensation plant of some sort.

You realize the water can be removed from the ocean first, and processed in a plant, righr? Then, the waste, doesn't need to go back into the ocean. It can be stored and allowed to dry out which then produces sea salt used for cooking and other purposes.
>a condensation plant
far more expensive, takes way more energy than it produces and low yield. you must be a new engineer.

Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru would like a word...

No you dumbfuck, its not that kind of salt. Theres all kinds of shit in ocean water and this highly concentrated brine salt isnt edible.

Fuck you guys are so fucking stupid. Why do idiots like you spew out opinions on things you know nothing about?

>surely no one has ever considered this issue but me
desalination waste is already processed afterwards in nearly all desalination plants across different nations. They already know about this problem and figured out solutions long ago. Just because you just now thought about it due to the recent news story, doesn't mean you're smarter than anyone else.
Please stay in california.

Shut up faggot.

Bro youre so fucking stupid there is currently no effective sustainable way to handle the disposal/treatment of desalination brine.

Youre just so incredibly fucking stupid m8. And not just you a lot you dumbasses on this site.

Underage retard.

Why dont we start a used gum plant to heat farts that spirt out of my headboard on my bed like a plug in air freshener with a built in self generating lay down in bed cycling-powered energy generator so i can sleep all day in bed smelling hot farts while i power my home and tv with a bed powered bicycle generator.