Seems like it's now politically correct to talk about this... So how will Russia be ended?

Seems like it's now politically correct to talk about this... So how will Russia be ended?
I'd say a good start is to resettle all Russians east of the Urals, the land west of them will then be given to various White people instead.
Furthermore since Russia is home to about 100 ethnicities they should all be given their own nation state (under a NATO-friendly government of course).
The long overdue de-stalinization will then be carried out and of course Russian war criminals will all be hanged.

Anything else?

Attached: he's got a point.jpg (615x345, 47.31K)

You know months ago when that Ukrainian field doctor smugly claimed he’d been castrating wounded Russian soldiers and holol piggies were cheering and celebrating in the thread I warned them that that was effectively giving Russians permission to do much worse to them and they’re words were something to the effect of
>They won’t do shit
Why are they so surprised?

Remember should anything happen these normalfags will still surrender

The redditards’ masks of “Russians good, Putin bad” have ripped right off.

those are the same people who got 3 boosters and think long covid is real

>Reddit is prepared for Generalplan ost
The broken clock really is right twice a day.

nothing short of full scale nuclear apocalypse will suffice.

This definitely won’t cause issues in the future. Punishing countries always goes well, look at the Treaty of Versailles.

replace any mention of russia with black people and you have a typical Any Forums post. you're all as bad as each other

LOL, you remind me of the slew of go bakist puppets declaring that "Assad must go!"

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normies will talk about how scary nazi germany was and how they'd never hate jews, yet they will eat the most basic of propaganda to start wanting to genocide russians
normies truly are worthless cattle

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Everyone knows that reddit is 5chan

I thought reddit is all about cutting their dicks of?

Guys..reddit is ... mad!

That's exactly the case.
Retards call it "whataboutism", those with a brain call it precedent.
The same can be applied to NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, etc. - if they can do it and the world is okay with it, then Putin begins to think that it's going to be okay for him to try the same.

They'll switch to the next current thing soon enough.

I call it either Geneva applies to everyone or no one; but we all know it's the second and only reddit cares.

I guess racism is back on the menu for r*ddit

If they now understand
>1%= juwe
Maybe they will get a better understanding of history

The normalisation of "Russophobia" is the best thing to come out of this war. In Finland there were already attempts to make "Ryssä" a racist hate speech word but all of that has been forgotten now. Even the normies in my friend group who previously thought Russia is not that bad and is bullied by NATO now hate Russians. It is far easier to reveal my power level now.

>you're all as bad as each other
I don't agree with those kinds of posts. There are good negroes and good slav negroes. I'm just saying that they oughta be in Africa.

>normies truly are worthless cattle

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It actually applies, but only to the designated le bad guys.
Ukrainians killing POWs? Nah, totally justified.

Enjoy your formal admission to the butthurt belt, I guess.

Why are Russians so barbaric?

This. I'm not from Finland but it applies to my country too and it's beyond based.

They are not European. Non Europeans are savages.