Is gta 6 going to be “woke” ?

Be honest

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with 100% certainty, yes

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>the two white guys in V can die
>franklin cannot

U will be able to change your gender so dont worry

I hope so. Time to kill this franchise

I never even played the first one. I feel bad for dudes into video games these days. It's all niggers and rap music. For what its worth I hope you guys get your hobby back. I think its even worse for dudes into comics. Thank God for old movies. Death to Wokeness!

This alone will kill their long history of excellent storytelling.

Depends, is the protag a sexy crazy Latina

It's a good thing honestly vidya was always a waste of time, I wish my parents banned me from video games and made me play sports or something, but here we are

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Thanks user, but its fucking dead

thanks bro. These commies have really killed off any form of enjoyable entertainment.

rockstar was always woke, from encouraging to kill white supremacists in manhunt to black protagonists in multiple gta games. It is a gay company like bathesda except it doesn't scream kill white people as loud.

love quake by the way

they are going to dogpile Whites and heterosexuals so hard that it may just kill the franchise

If shes cute we will get more r34.

>no “punching down” on “marginalized communities”
>removed all trans jokes from re-release of gta5 for next gen
>got rid of all the “white fratboys” who ran the company originally
>Latina female thing is pretty cool desu I used a female character in gta online before it got fucked off

I honestly wonder how they don’t look around to see what such “transformations” have done to other companies.

> BioWare
> Renowned for its in-depth storytelling, market leader for many years in this sphere
> Produces timeless classics like NWN, Dragon Age Origins, Mass Effect
> Goes woke
> Makes Mass Effect: Andromeda, a buggy retarded mess no-one wants to play
> Waaaah why are our sales down? Gamers are BIGOTS!!

> CD Projekt Red
> Renowned for its in-depth storytelling
> Produce the critically acclaimed Witcher series
> Goes woke
> Makes Cyberpunk: a buggy retarded mess no-one wants to play
> Gamers are BIGOTS, play our trash game goy!!

> Rockstar
> Renowned for its in-depth storytelling
> Produce many critically acclaimed games
> Go woke
> ???
> Profit?

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>not just killing the coked up faggot ruining all three of your lives.

sports is the only thing gayer than vidya. would you really rather be entranced by niggerball instead of modding niggers out of your vidya?


Only ultra weak fags would play a woman in a game. Especially you tranny fucks that use girl characters in mmos.

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oh well. we got RDR2 out of them so I can let them go if they are going to do this to them selves.

Watching sports is bad, playing them is good

>period mission so men finally understand women's' pain

Rockstar makes too much money from GTA5 and other remade titles to really be considering GTA6. I expect this project end up in development Hell, because the heads of Rockstar have to realize that wokeness blemishes brands and permatently.

They will take their sweet time to finish this new game until wokeness goes out of fashion with the Elites and with trannies with deep wallets. This is simply outrage bait to get people to talk about Rockstar.

Yeah, user, don’t play games, play sports with IRL niggers instead then you can get felt up by the coach.

the only good gta was SA and even then it was pozzed but in a good way. They dropped some good red pills and blew their creative load all in one game. No other game comes close to the massive content SA dropped. 3 cities and hundreds of game modes. It had actual character growth. even thoug you play as a nigger, its nice to see the nigger go from hoodrat to proper mobster. So even if he is human scum at least he grows into a more respectable piece of shit.

>biggest audience is young boys
>destroys potential earnings by trying to make a statement
I wonder how fast they'll turn back when they make next to nothing off of it

It's going to be woke and shit. They make all their money online now so don't give a fuck about sacrificing the single player for some progressive grant money.

Only new games I play these days are indie and even among those there's a lot of progressive bullshit. I pirated valhalla to see what it was like and it almost felt like a parody it was so stupid
>Half the viking warriors are female
>Black vikings
>England has Asian immigrants in the 9th century
Then I encountered a gamebreaking bug and uninstalled it.