Noooo..... not like this MAGA-sisters

noooo..... not like this MAGA-sisters....

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who tf wants this nusing home ass nigga for president. I'll take desantis thank you. Anyone under 70


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is some energy vampire draining him?
a cabal of witches cursing him?
did he stop taking adrenochrome child's blood?


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finally looking his age

oh yeah that actually makes sense
kek retarded jabbies are going to drop like flies this winter
how old is he? like 70s? I have no idea, I'm a leaf.


2015 this is not, that man is done. Thank you for everything you insane hilarious tyrant

The Vaxx is a hell of drug

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fake as fuck image. fuck you and every fed shill pushing this.


He looks like a velociraptor

>can't even fire people he hired himself

>what is photoshop

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How does he magically make something bad seem so good? Take for example this picture of him sweating profusely. At first I thought he looked like shit, but then I look again and thought to myself, damn, he looks kind of wizardly and supernatural here, who IS this man?

He was pretty bad at it

dafuq, he ran out of spraytan?

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I dont care

Hes cute

You should.

>finally looking his age

it must be hilarious to see his morning routine of hairspray, hairdye, and spraytan. Probably takes a solid hour or two.

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Like requesting to have stage 4 cancer in stead of stage 1. Desantis can't even tie his fucking shoes. That's saying something because trump has to be competing for biggest idiot to have ever lived

Someone re-do the age test on his '22 withered mug...

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What is the other option. Biden is a fossil, trump is a fossil, romney is a fossil.

That's literally not him

Man they love to edit the fuck outta this man's pictures. Saw an unedited video of him today and he looked nothing like this.

>a very hot day
>probably playing golf
>guy is almost 80 years old
I've seen zoomer girls that look worse than Trump

if he were a 200 year old ghoul missing a nose I would vote for him over any faggot you retards put up

he just played a round of golf and doesn't have makeup or his tan
git gud