How to end crime?

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Deport blacks and crime will mysteriously go way down

Make crime illegal.

That person is possessed by demons.

Total nigger death

Give everyone an impulse control test at 15, kill everyone who cant pass it.

Chinese rule with me as chairmen of the north american party

Fuck they even made TwoFace black now too?

A leftist will say to give the criminal food and housing, a job in his community
A conservative will say a strong police force and a good upbringing

neither of them account for latent differences in brain function

Then tear apart the prison system and institute caning and public humilitation as punishment for most crimes, death for the worst.

Prisons have a major flaw of instilling a victim complex within prisoners, and they typically don't change.
High physical pain mixed with humilitation leads to a true "end to crime". Humans don't understand courts like they do a beating. It's very true and Singapore is an excellent model of this.

nah, just more animal than Man.


video me my niggers. what astronaut was offed this time?

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based and Gom Jabbar pilled

True. I worked as a CO in prisons and back in the day they used to be better, 20 years ago they would tear up grievances and beat up inmates to a pulp who spit on guards, starved them if they acted out. Now Jews and prosecutors coddle niggers at all costs to the point they are making DEMANDS their life in prison isn’t comfortable enough. It’s so embarrassing.

But there will still be child molestation and rapes by the whitey

Make the felon fear the victim

start by killing all politicians and heads of government

That cop was thinking the N word.

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Thread trips have spoken

More anti-crime signage in public areas should do the trick.

Including their relatives.

And (((they))) didn't shut this down.

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Banning niggers will cut crime in half overnight.


He's in self preservation mode.
If he was smart he'd grab a fleshy bit and start tearing, not a shirt.
Blacks can't wrestle so w/e.

kill all niggers and jews

or at least the jews


When will whites apologize from bringing them out of Africa in the first place? Still waiting for an apology. Where is the white guilt?

What this jew is proposing is nonsensical, as always.

For equity sake, nigs need to be constantly threated with overwhelming violence and generally bullied into servile obsequience. Other races can be handled more kindly but each needs its own brand of leadership.

I propose giving police a free hand to beat niggers with an approved Baton for any reason at any time. But you shouldn't shoot a nigger that hasn't been beaten first to see if he can be reasoned with.

In a generation, they'll be kind upstanding citizens so long as you remind them frequently. We will have peace and prosperity. Until jews make some new tear jerker about a nigger crying when he gets beat. But really, everyone will be better off.

Show flag kike, we know you brought them here and all that.
Past redpills as well you should get ready.

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jews aren't white you dumb jew flag nigger

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Worked for sweden. I just wish they made rape illegal

Start chopping off hands. Can start with fingers I guess

Bring back bath salts and public cannibalisation of the homeless.

Real answer. Extremely aggressive policing that pushes all crime into the ghettos paired with very punitive sentences that essentially puts repeat offenders in jail for the rest of their lives. Some people are not capable of functioning with the rest of society and the only humane answer is to remove them from the rest of the population.

End criminals.

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give white girls to all BBC and crime will stop.

Give white women to black men.

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stop letting niggers and corrupt COs control the prisons. literally, send in the national guard to all of them and militarize the prison complex.

also remove Italian mobsters/Jewish lawyers from the judicial system.

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They start hitting the women, so no that isn't a solution