Vaccine Religious Exemption

My wife is about to work in a hospital kitchen. We have both not been jabbed since we want kids. The hospital says the only way around their vaccine requirement is religious exemptions. I have found two good ones:
Jab was made with fetal tissue, cringe and jewpilled.
Injecting yourself is bad since the body is a temple.

I thought of a good one but idk if the hospital would accept it. The bible says be fruitful and multiply, the jab has fucked with many women's menstrual cycles and as such may be in violation of our religious requirement to have kids.

We are catholic btw. Please send all articles related to these points if you can. Also, if you have any other schizoid ideas like mine please share.

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You guys still think about the vaxx?

The hospital does. I don't.

try poking around in the archives. one line of thinking is that you just write that you have a deeply held religious belief that prevents you from getting the vaccine and refuse to explain it.

Make her to raise the kids or do sewing or some other woman shit that is not antichrist faggotry.

We don't have kids yet, and are trying to save up for a house.

I'm pureblood too and the last place I'll apply for jobs is healthcare. In my state that field already mandated the flu shots. Is your wife retarded?

I said I believe the jab and test are the mark of the beast. Literally any argument that is purely religious is good enough. You can't mention any science

Good luck user, if you are for real. Say you are mormons or some other shit. Do you have friends with the jew juice needle man? Maybe he will help out. I would help you if a swiss "vaxx" would be good enough for ghe hospital. I know a doc that would do it

>Injecting yourself is bad since the body is a temple.

I think the catechism verses around the 2200s go into this a lot.

It is one of the foundational texts of catholocism and it pretty much prohibits taking any kind of drug that has not been thoroughly tested and found to be safe, for several decades.

There are all kinds of drugs that it would make you exempt from, other shots and vaccines and stuff that they will want to give your wife and children.

I was an NICU baby, and I skipped most of the injections that they give to newborns until I was three years old. I have a 139 IQ, a computer science degree, I figured out how to read circuit board schematics before I learned how to read English.

My brother got the injections at birth, he is a field hand at a fruit farm.

They are all fucking bad, don't let them jab your kids with ANYTHING. Be really careful about any drugs they might give your wife, as well.

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It's a job in the kitchen. If there is required flu tests we'll just counterfeit some shit from cvs.

>My wife is about to work in a hospital kitchen. We have both not been jabbed since we want kids. The hospital says the only way around their vaccine requirement is religious exemptions. I have found two good ones:
>Jab was made with fetal tissue, cringe and jewpilled.
>Injecting yourself is bad since the body is a temple.
3rd: "Wives, obey your husband."
Ephesians 5:33
1 Peter 3:2-5


Just have her say she is muslim

The rules for the kitchen aren't separate of those from the rest of the hospital, you are as retarded as your wife.

talk to a priest about it. if you go in just winging it you are likely to get shut down. some vasccines for example dont use fetal tissue.

just tell the priest you do not want to get it and ask if there was a religious exemption you could claim, you may have to shop around for one thats not a closet homo.

Your wife is either not about to work in a hospital kitchen or your wife is going to take snoop jabby jab & die in a hospital kitchen. Choose wisely, faggot.

If she works in a kitchen surely it's not a hugely invested job, she doesn't have a medical or nursing degree does she? Can't she just work somewhere else and not surrender her body to Big Gov?

You'll cave.

Have fun making your wife sterile. Mr. Goldsilverburg needs his shekels.

Cait Corrigan runs a work shop on religious exemptions. I got one for work after taking her course and writing a letter.

Healthcare fag here. Not trying to demoralize you but a religious exemption to vaccination will very likely be denied by a healthcare employer. They’re releasing omicron-specific vaccines this winter and there will also be a monkeypox vaccine, too. Hospitals and medical facilities are going to do everything they can to avoid giving employees exemptions because they know that there are multiple vaccines around the corner that they’re going to want all their employees to get.

Go with the second one.
Also there's some shit about how God will protect you from sickness, and skirting around that with man-made vaccines is an affront to god.

Nah she does not. It just pays the best in town.

I and she refuse to cave under any circumstances.

The best way to religious exemption is to keep it simple. I used "My deeply held and sincere beliefs preclude me from taking these vaccinations at this time" while everyone else wrote a wall of text, it just gives (((HR))) more surface area to poke holes and exploit.

First Church of Christian Science might be something you could affiliate with. Avoids all medical treatment, prays for healing instead.

You don't have to give any explanation beyond "it's against my religion." Do not try to bring logic into this argument. Do not explain how its against your religion. Do not sign anything. Technically you do not even have to tell them what religion you practice.

When a Muslim says "I don't eat pork" it's not appropriate for the employer to say "what about when you were a kid?" or "but McDonalds french fries have pork flavor added and I saw you eat those." The employer just has to go with it or they have a lawsuit on their hands.

If you are catholic, use this form written by a catholic bishop to object on the basis of fetal tissue (they are all tainted in some form, he explains why):

How about satan is not God

>Jab was made with fetal tissue, cringe and jewpilled.
many many vaccines involve fetal tissue cell lines
there is no way that they are removing ALL of the cellular material i.e. debris, exosomes, DNA fragments, from it
anyone who says that it is free of all such material is making a very extraordinary claim without extraordinary evidence
don't believe them
yeah it is theoretically possible - and if they were doing it, each vax dose would cost about $500

can you lie and say that you are a jew? people aren't going to question the jew.

I would rather die than be a penis chopper

Just claim Christian Science beliefs. It's too weird for most normies to comprehend, and too audacious to really fight back against.

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I used the Orthodox version. My employer did not question it.

Please describe the nature of your sincerely held religious observation, practice or belief that
conflicts with Burrell’s mandatory vaccination requirement and the reason for your request for a
religious exemption.
I am not a part of any organized religion. I follow the voice of Spirit through my own personal
meditation and reflection on religious texts. These go beyond mere preference or philosophy. I
communicate with the God that resides in me and the God that resides in all living beings. By
following the voice of Spirit I am walking in the path of love and goodness. Sometimes the voice
of spirit will illuminate scriptures and other spiritual texts and will guide me to be in line with the
truth that is revealed to me personally. It is for each person to listen to the voice of God within
themselves and to follow those words. I believe that when I reject those words, ignore the texts
that are illuminated to me, or choose not to follow the direct commandments of Spirit, I am
choosing a path of ego and selfishness that will have a negative karmic impact on my spiritual
awakening and the overall collective consciousness of all beings (that are primarily spiritual
beings). By following the illuminated voice of Spirit within me I am adhering to my deeply held
religious beliefs that I choose daily not to falter from.

I have read the following texts in my meditations with spirit:
“A Mosque that was founded on piety from the first day is worthier for you to rise up therein; in it
are men who love to purify themselves; and Allah loves the ones who keep themselves pure.”
Quran 9:108
“One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone…The freedoms of others should be
respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms
of another is to forgo one's own.”
Tenants 3 & 4 of the Church of Satan
“Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your
own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
“We see the concept of healing or health having to do fundamentally with not the physical
vehicle nor simply with the mind or mental vehicle but, rather, we see healing as that which
creates a broader or deeper faith, for what is health but the just proportion or balance of
energies within the individual self. Health is not simply a matter of sickness and curing sickness.
Health has to do with the balance of energies within the self so that the self is tuned, shall we
say, as much as can be achieved by the seeker to a continuing awareness of the self as a child
of the infinite Creator. ”

The Channellings of Q’uo, February 13, 1994
“The Self is eternal amid the transient; pure consciousness amid limited consciousness; those
that realize God is seated the Self experience eternal the one among many and the
fulfiller of all desires; let people everywhere be happy, let everyone be free of disease, let
everyone see good everywhere, let no one meet with sorrow...OM! PEACE!”
Upanishad Meditations
With divine speech we (the eternals) bear you out of the reaches of evil (Nirriti) and endow you
with life (asu), life-energy (prana), healthy longevity (ayu), and mind (mana)...Ascend out of
darkness, come to light, we hold your hands...Light has emerged,darkness has departed you;
we set you away from evil (Nirriti), death and disease."
Atharva Veda Mantras
As I pray and meditate on these texts, Spirit guides me with this word: You are a temple, don’t be bullied by the world, but love the world. Each person is here
to make their own mark, to make their own decisions; your purpose is to love, your
purpose is to be a light through your body. Do all things in love, and respect those that
do not agree with you, but respect only in love. You are guarded from evil in the same
measure by which you show light and breed love. Keep your body pure from things that
may change who you are. Don’t adhere to evil or fear. While medicine is available to
those that may need it, you are a child of love and light. Be a reflection of light by making
healthy choices. Before acting in fear, before reaching for relief of fear through pills,
shots, and medicine, seek me. Ask, do I need this to reflect light? Will this show that I am
not afraid? Be guided only by love and light. Be guided by the health that is within you.
You say “I AM healthy.” you say “I AM whole.” So it is.

This study and reflection on the voice of Spirit has guided me to hold the spiritual and religious
belief that I should not be vaccinated against this virus and that Spirit will protect me from this
virus. And by doing so, I will be showing the love and light of our infinite creator and the health
that comes from showing love and by reflecting light will shield me from the evil that comes from
force and the violence of fear.
Would being vaccinated for COVID-19 interfere with your sincerely held religious belief or your
ability to practice or observe your religion? If so, please explain.
As explained above, by being forced to get vaccinated out of fear for disease, it will go against
my personal and sincere belief that I am a child of love and light and that my body is a templeand reflection of Spirit, and that I should always choose to respect the decisions of others, and
use my own temple to reflect love and light, health and wholeness, which is not reflected when
being forced to make choices out of fear. This was a message given to me in my meditation with
Spirit, and to go against the words of spirit and to deny the power of the voice of God in my life
will have a negative impact on my own karmic awakening, and the collective consciousness of
the unitary universal consciousness that is within all living beings.

It was tested using fetal cell lines, you are against abortion, you are against vaccinations, you are against coercion.

Does your sincerely held religious observance, practice or belief prohibit you from being
vaccinated for all vaccines, COVID-19 vaccines, a specific type of COVID-19 vaccine, or some
other type of vaccine? Also, if you have received vaccines as an adult against other diseases
(e.g., flue or tetanus) but you have a religious objection to COVID-19,vaccines, please provide a
brief explanation.
As I consider taking medication for anything, whether it is cancer, cramps, viral infection, or
other disease, I pray for Spirit to guide me and direct my steps to reflect the love and light of
their infinite wisdom, and that all decisions are guided by love and not by fear.
To the best of my recollection, I do not believe I have received any vaccines as an adult, but as
my beliefs have evolved, and as I currently am guided by Spirit, it is certainly my intention to
follow this path going forward.
Is there anything else you would like us to know about your request?
I pray that any decision you make will be guided with love and light and that you will seek the
voice of Spirit that is within each living being, and that I will not be forced to make choices from
seat of selfishness, fear, or violence, but that I can shine my love and light and show those
around me that the Spirit of God guides us all on our personal journeys of faith. Such journeys
of faith do not adhere to the authority of man’s voice from the pulpit, or the dogma of cultural
power structures. Rather Spirit guides me through all religious outpourings and teaches me from
an individual, deeply held, religious belief that guides my steps each day as I meditate and pray.

They'll just tell you that the pope advocates the vax.