What did black people do to you?

What did black people do to you?

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they are bio-weapons.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

They are overrepresented in my video games and movies even though they are a small minority of customers, just like fags

Say the N word to me in person and I'll rip your cracker intestines out

bullied me every day of my life
And my dumbass still tried to be "tolerant" until i was 20...
I couldnt have been more niave and niggers STILL couldn't just leave me one

dindu nufin

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I've only ever been attacked unprovoked by a nigger. In a hospital. And then blamed for it by another nigger, who worked at said hospital.

Nothing, I know decent black people but like 90% of them and 20% of whites are all niggers

They're too dumb for our civilization and need to be thrown out now

a gang of feral niggers tried to take Me down with improvised weapons,
lead nigger was disarmed and the rest of the chimps were too afraid to face an armed man,
so the group left defeated, and I remained un-niggered.
Never relax.

Death to kikes

Attached: niggetaway.webm (1920x1080, 1.31M)

Nothing really. All my bad encounters have been with Muslims.

Someone should make a copypasta just like this except it's historical facts/trivia that offends Jews and it's in English and Hebrew LOL

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you are an inferior sub breed of infrahumans,
I rather have a troop of chimps in My house than two niggers in My neighborhood.

Death to kikes

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>one post by this nigger


Is it conceivable they are reincarnated man-hating billionaires or murderers of old come back now living a hard existence for a reason?

> Beware of Anti-White PsyOp (psychological operations) agents/posters shilling a false narrative (usually posting something that denigrates or intends to cause harm to Whites).

> These people will post threads and may also pretend to interact within a thread, again in a manner to cause harm to Whites.

> Popular topics include: BBC, White Replacement, White Genocide, BNWO, Interbreeding, Cuckolding, Insults, Demoralization, Trying to cause division among Whites, Trying to confuse Whites.

> Other topics include: Shilling for progressive/liberal agenda, Attempting to keep White men away from black women, Trying to make it seem normal for White women to date outside their race.

> They want White Men to remain passive or they want White Men to leave the country.

> “Racism” and “racists” are new concepts, “racism” being introduced in 1902 and not becoming popular until 1930s, designed to weaken the Whites and empower blacks. It’s as if someone wanted you to stop breathing so they called you a “breathist” and tried to make you feel guilty about breathing. Same thing with “racist.” They don’t want you to use your natural ability of discrimination because blacks cannot compete, and this allows them to victimize you without fear of retaliation.

> Learn about what’s really going on (links to whole threads):

Necessary nigger information. [START HERE]
Niggers without camouflage.
Victims of black hatred.
> Most people don’t know what’s happening, so please help to spread awareness!,,

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Nothing and they won't shut the fuck up about it

why do you judge entire race of people based on what minority of them are doing?

Nigged when they should have nogged.

Not me, but they insult Egyptians and refuse to listen to evidence that the ancient Egyptians we not niggers.

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Niggers all talk the same, think the same, act the same, vote the same, listen to the same genre of music, and live in the same filthy conditions.

I've met black men,
two of them,
I've also met niggers,
maybe hundreds of them.

Death to kikes

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