What are the chances?

Poured out his VIAL. I mean common….

Revelation 16:2
And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

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Is it terrible of me that I hope it legit scars them? That’s bad

why is it all over his face? shouldn't it be on his dick?

Eats faggot ass, get monkeypox on face

Poisonous cum shots to the face

I legit hope some of them have to have their dicks cut off. LOL

Medically, does the infection grow from where the contact occurred? I guess so since I have read accounts of it manifesting in someone's asshole and their urethra pissing out hot needles.

Goodbye homos

I had a pretty big pimple on my dick a couple weeks ago. I had to pop it twice over a few days and both time white pus came out like a typical zit. It hurt like fuck when I squeezed it. Am I going to hell? Am I gay?

t. never had sex before

i don't wish them ill will and hope they all recover and learn an important lesson about all this.

That was a description I could have lived without.

I grown hair. Take your supps, eat more meat, nigger.

The Mark of the Beast hasn't happened yet. Nobody will take the Mark by accident, they won't sneak it thru a vaccine. Taking the Mark of the Beast will be a total repudiation against God. Everyone will have a choice, take the mark, worship Satan and die an eternal death, or reject the mark, worship God and die an earthly death.

There's still time. Repent of your sins, accept Jesus' gift of salvation and worship the Father. This offer dies when you do.

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What textual evidence do you have that it couldn’t be tricked?
The vaccine is a repudiation against God. In using the mRNA vaccines and the errant reverse transcription events, we are altering the genetic code for the human body, which is meant to be a temple to God.

You niggers spouted this shit with
>black plague
>Spanish flu
>any/all chink diseases
>Now it's Monkey Pox
(You are here)
Might as well add in The rod will strike the ring and some shit about the Dragon Belly leaking water (chink dams last time)
2 more weeks.

I would argue foolishly taking a vaxx that destroys your reproductive capability is a major repudiation to God.

I hope it kills them.

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>and learn an important lesson about all this.
Don't flood your country with Africans and Muslims, otherwise you'll be dealing shitty diseases that were only seem on Africa?

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An easier one, dont be gay

The Mark can't be here prior to the Beast. So, who is the Beast? Not yet revealed.

He was sphincter spelunking.

>>Spanish flu
it started in Michigan, Jew-S-A

Why do you want more trannies?

Wash hands after popping zit

E. Coli pie

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>The Mark can't be here prior to the Beast. So, who is the Beast? Not yet revealed.
not a who, a what.
use your head

Idk why but I just realized you sound like a A.I.

>i hope she's speeding on her way to the club and craaaash craaaash craaaash into a ditch
>just playing

2 Thessalonians 2:3: Let no one in any way deceive or entrap you, for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes first [that is, the great rebellion, the abandonment of the faith by professed Christians], and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction [the Antichrist, the one who is destined to be destroyed.

Can't wait for monkeypox to show up on the "straight" people and they pretend they aren't fags and start blaming public toilet seats or something.