Does anyone have experience with Slavic women?

I don’t but I want a Slavic tradwife. Is pic related true?

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They will eat you alive.
t. Russian

>Slavic tradwife
bruh, all women are just bitchy whores

>having money certainly helps

Only line which matters

Slav tradwives are a myth. Those who say they exist have never been around slav womynx.

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Sadly, this

No such thing as slav tradwife lmao
This too

okay then let's see a pro/con of slav woman vs. american whitegirl roasty


Better date a western woman, and fuck off we are full i speak for every slavic country we dont want amerimutts

This. All my russian lady friends are whores. I love, them, but they're whores. They often have much more trad opinions than western women(tho there are liberal ones too ofc) like being racist but this doesnt stop them from riding the cock carousel. If you're rich you can get a golddigger but if you're not she will always go back to gopnik Volodya over you.

they actually exist but are unfortunately cringe and technologically illiterate

and if you're so invested into finding a tradwife and you just cannot stop thinking about the potential cocks that have been up there, and if your so sex-starved that you do not care that you'd spit on your ancestors' legacy, then I'd recommend you go for a bulgarian turk. These are the most conservative, but they're also muslim, and are slightly socially stunted. Oh and they do not speak a word of english or any western language.

Fuck off Juan

It used to be that way. It is no longer true. Whites are whites, east Europeans women are nowadays very similar to west European women

I am Russian and dated a lot of them

Ah.. everyone looking for the solution to the "female problem" if you will.

Honestly going anywhere else in what is considered the western world has little effect other than getting some extra points for being exotic, at best.

The reality of the situation is that men evolved to be protectors and providers and men have created a world in which neither of those is really that necessary anymore.

Yeah quite a retarded thing to do imo.

This situation is not solved by moving to another country where things are 99% the same.

If you want a "trad" wife you'll have to move somewhere with really low levels of comfort. And that excludes most of the western areas.

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go on chaturbate there's plenty of them

What is dating like for young people in russia nowadays?

To be fair, Russian and Ukrainian women are probably worse then other Slavic cunts when it comes to materialism and their calculative behaviour. Balkan women are seemingly more affectionate.

>If you want to be happy living a king's life
>Never make a Slavic woman your wife

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Can confirm. Wife born in poland her sister born here and is more western than she is. Her parents are VERY polish. Added bonus is the men hate communists the women do as well but tend to be afraid to not follow rules. Men are expected to do men's work, women do womens work. If heavy lifting is required and her hands are free it still wouldnt occur to her to help but to run inside and fix a drink and snacks. Houses are very clean everyone wears house shoes. Put their children first. Expect to live with kids when they're old. Live forever. Lots of pork/sausages. There will be a european deli near you and they will go there and if there isnt one they will open one. All hire each other like a network of a family business to create more success. Kinda like jews. Like when women came here after communism and had nothing they all became cleaning women and networked to get the highest paying jobs from the richest people. Same with men in construction. Their work ethic is crazy. Their family values are strong. Even a last first gen westerner slav still is better than a normal white chick with boomer parents. Family still means everything to them and they know about hard work.
They make like 1000 perogi at a time and that isnt even their best food. Bigos is.
They dont make a meal like "spaghetti" and have it for dinner. They make spaghetti, fish/meat, a lettuce salad, a weird delicious european salad (potato salad but the russian one, beet salad, cucumber salad), will have bread. Serve fruit for dessert, if it's a special occasion they break out what is essentially charcuterie later on.
It's so amazing to be married to a polish girl. I love her so much. I only got her because I was the only guy she knew that could fix things around the house and offered to help her father. Remodel the kitchen.
They have different holidays mostly based on religion. also mother and fathers day are in the same month but fall on different days, grandparents day

Yes but I dont think she was trad since she let me fuck her even though she had a husband and kids, I regret doing it but she didn't tell me so how the fuck should I have known

>She will run inside and fix a drink and snacks to you
>Houses are very clean everyone wears house shoes
Nope everyone just walks in socks or maybe some people walk in slippers but nobody wears shoes indoors you take shoes off when you enter the house always.

Ngl that sounds pretty damn comfy

If you give them flowers make sure you give them an odd amount of flowers
Fuck stupid traditions. Having women getting mad at you too frequently slowly burns your soul
Goot thing I got out of there