Banning assault weapons WILL stop mass shootings

I'm fucking sick of you gun nuts spewing authoritarian NRA propaganda you get paid for and trying to refute common sense research discoveries on gun control.
Banning assault weapons WILL stop mass shootings.
When assault weapons are banned, people will no longer be able to spray bullets into crowds of people mowing them down killing hundreds like they do now, when we ban assault weapons they cannot get access to the weapons they need to kill scores so they won't be able to kill hardly anyone at all.
Spew more NRA lobby propaganda like the ammosexuals you are, I don't care.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Whatever, ban guns.

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Meme would have been better if she whispered "Ban Niggers"

Attached: 1553726746039.jpg (565x1199, 116.74K)

>sick of you gun nuts
If you are sick of the gun nuts and honestly I am too, then listen to someone from the left. Watch the entire thing. He has a good idea that could get traction whereas banning things amounts to AstroTurfing and virtue-signalling.

Attached: 1567024913448.jpg (3324x2050, 1.8M)

Do you know what would improve America?
Expelling all niggers back to Africa.
Keep Asians, Hispanics, and all other non-Whites except niggers.
BOOM, the country would improve ten-fold.

we dont need this shit in our country

Bros, why do guns keep doing this to us?

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Shall not be infringed. Suck on it.

Not gonna happen faggot. Get fucked.

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>common sense research discoveries
>common sense
what the ever loving fuck?

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>Gun violence is the only violence that matters

Based shameless self-promoter

He should shoot that smug cunt in the next panel

Low quality response. Please add more objective content.

-1 karma.

Did his gun jam??

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Nigger + HiPoint : volatile

Tested by SCIENCE