The science says stop being a homosexual

The science says stop being a homosexual.

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Women should also be advise to stop being slags, 1/5 of American American have genital here's already.

Aren't they based though? If monkeypox spreads more than covid then covid disappears and so do all covid restrictions.

Fauci hangs out at monkey pox bars

>not just stop entirely

>knew it was spread via sexual contact
>knew that homos have massive orgies where they let 15 guys jizz in their butts at a time
>gay pride coming up so it's going to ramp to 10
>decide to tell them 2 months later to stop being degenerate faggots
maybe we all deserve it

Like AIDS in the 80's?

Pic related (video same person):
Claims to "work" with children irl...

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Stopping them would be antisemitic

>WHO covers for China's fuckups

>WHO recommends not fucking during an STI pandemic
>"WHO are genociding innocents and it's all a conspiracy to oppress homo"
Fuck I love this timeline.

Fags are literally equiavlent to rats which spread bubonic plague

If they were monogamous, like marriage is supposed to be, this wouldn't be an issue - now would it?
We should revoke homosexual marriage. They're just mocking marriage and traditional family life, anyway.
No more free catering - pay the price.

My entire existence is antisemitic

>WHO recommends not fucking during an STI pandemic
Initially they said it was fine.

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All marriage these days is a government con job to put a man under lock and key so he can never do anything to stop his life from being dismantled.
If you love a woman, you stay with a woman. Signing a government contract doesn't make any lick of goddamned sense, especially when you know they're corrupt as fuck.

Science is fake, monkeypox isn't real.

Yes. And as soon as anyone suggested such a thing, faggots started crying persecution and homocaust.

>stop bugchasing for grandma
yea, don't think so chuds!

Wow the WHO must be filled with homophobic microdicked incels LOL

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As you said, what a fucking timeline.

How much sex does gay people really have? seems like thats all they do

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>Please stop being a huge whore.
>For science

>You are such a massive, cock-guzzling whore that nature has taken offense to it and will kill every source of your brainless, blind, constant fucking.
