It’s official, the experts have spoken


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this is a Greatest Depression

The Great Recession of 2008 never ended lads.

The Biden Recession't

This. We're completely fucked and most Americans know it. Anything else is just a cope.

Best "recession" of all time, adding 2.7 million new jobs as trillions of dollars of stimulus in place since 2020 rolls off (which decreases the GDP)

June 2022 - 372,000 jobs added, 3.6% unemployment rate
May 2022 - 390,000 jobs added
April 2022 - 428,000 jobs added
March 2022 - 431,000 jobs added
Feb. 2022 - 678,000 jobs added
January 2022 - 467,000 jobs added, 4.0% unemployment rate

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There is absolutely no recession happening right now but the recession that we are currently in right now IS ALL DOLNARD BLORMPFS FAULT!!!

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>literal fake number
>'jobs added' aren't just companies cutting spending
>muh 'unemployment rate'
No one here is that stupid or is fooled by that bullshit. No one is hiring and wages are lower than ever for those who are still employed.

>still less people working now than there was on march 1 2020

We aren’t and I know it makes you seethe because you want the country to burn but your wish won’t come true (thankfully). Even with the Chinese orchestrated anti work movement we have more people literally dying trying to get into this country just so they can work. That is a symbol of our strength. Look at the S&P 500 right now, it’s got great sentiment written all over it which is why it’s pumping for two consecutive days now. Go fuck yourselves commie bitches!


Actual retard boomer detected

experts got us here in the first place


how many days until the definition is changed?

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>pumping for last two days
Its going to crash middle of next week. Only pumping now because muppets buying puts and pushing the price up.

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Who. Who are these experts

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He also said like a year and a half ago inflation was not a thing. This is what happens when you have the mother of all corrupt news organizations running damage control for him

They keep lying to us.
And we keep pretending to believe them.

This is the best news we could hope for. Now imagine what happens when they say that the vaccines work

Big companies had no recession.

S&P500 crashing twice as bad as '08 recession - current recession twice as bad for US economy as GFC

I hope anyone buying puts gets burned. Imagine betting against our economy. Let me put things into perspective. The entire world can literally suffer immeasurable pain and our economy wouldn’t feel it. Want to know why fucking bitch? BECAUSE WERE THE RESERVE CURRENCY FUCK ASS!

Also, if you get the vaxx you won't get Covid or spread it, according to the experts.

What I don’t fucken get is we’re in a recession by the definition of it. Two consecutive quarters losses, it has been three already with the recent data that came out. He’s fucken lying. Any business major knows this, he’s not fooling anyone.

Nope. Not Great Recession and not Great Depression. This is the end of American 248 year cycle. This will be the Great Collapse.

I'm still fucking amazed that lefty retards fall for seasonal job adds every fucking spring/summer and then for the holiday season

And the .75 rate increase.
Did the EXACT same thing last time. People have very short attention spans.

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