Andrew Yang is back

Former Democrats, Republicans, libertarians etc. are forming a new third party with Andrew Yang at it's head.

Considering his name recognition and fund raising success during the last presidential election this might be something to keep an eye on.
Depends heavily on if he stops fucking sperging out about UBI and focuses on trying to win this time around instead of trying to push the overtone window.

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We will have to see if he takes it serious this time. It was clear last time he was just going for name recognition so maybe it was building to this.
The one trick pony party of UBI was a death knell for him. He had plenty of policy ideas that he could have espoused during the debates but instead just hammered home the "free money" angle and it wrecked him.
If he learned from last time he may have a shot.

Nope, Yang was finished the second he got a paid job on CNN and he was confirmed to be everything his critics claimed he would be. A fake populist just like all the rest.

Andrew Yang is unironically the anti-christ

>Normies won't vote for him because he took a paid job on CNN
Dumbest take on Any Forums today boys. Pack it up.

Electronic credit system > UBI

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For all the other retards that were going to post itt. As you can see we already have one so you can go back to the BBC slide threads. We are covered here.

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he's teaming up with the dynamic and charismatic christy todd whitman. RINOs, DEMs better watch the fuck out, the cool kids are in charge now

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What's the single biggest determining factor on who the useful idiots will vote for?
Media coverage
>Getting in with the media has killed Andrew Yang's chances during the election
Didn't know the short bus came with wifi.

>voting in anything other than hyper localized elections
>not volunteering to be a poll worker in your town level election
Anything above town level is rigged and the political machine is so entrenched that it would take generations to unfuck it
stick to you and yours and drop out of the system nonparticipation is the ultimate form of resistance

>Considering his name recognition

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Read the article. Small local elections and school boards is what they are starting with.

>click the non archived link
and the people you should be voting for in your local town level elections certainly would never ever take a paid job at CNN or any arm of the jew

Oh fuck off you yellow nigger loving kike

i will be voting for trump and any candidates he endorses
i will enjoy watching mild mannered democrats who hate their party but watch enough tv to be brainwashed faggots anyway vote for some bullshit third party, and will enjoy watching the screaming babykilling harpies and their army of simpfaggots and useless zoomers who can't change lightbulbs vote against 'le evil wyte man party and for communists
bye faggots

And I hope Mr. Yang is reading this.

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As an ex lefty, this is the kind of the the DNC will work to extinguish at ANY cost. They are so corrupt and rotten they have no merit to rest on and must fall back to simply pushing every other egg out of the ideological nest.

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Remember back when people would bring up political shit in Any Forums and the nufags didn't automatically assume that mean you supported it?
Oh, you don't. Of course not, you were still browsing Reddit back then.
Go back koala brain. A potentially viable third party that appeals to the non-voting silent majority is the kind of shit anyone should post here.

If he doesn't plan to build the wall or invade Mexico, I'm not interested.

he's a globohomo shill, another slide thread, the Bidens are pedophiles, Ukraine is a CIA shell corporation for money laundering and mass child rape. Ukraine was named the worst country in the world for human trafficking

Kek, what happened? Someone dope the burger water supply with meth? You fuckers are bringing the bants today

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No one takes this crying bugman seriously.

who knew! math isnt racist, math doesnt lie, math doesn't care. the globohomos are dividing by 0

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