Who can male zoomers look up to as a positive role model in today's society?

Who can male zoomers look up to as a positive role model in today's society?

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Steve Erwin

unironically hitler

Terry Davis

Fuck, when was that? The dark ages before ada lovelace, marie curie, and leonor michaelis?

pooh shiesty

It's just Stacy in different close and a cheat monkey mold.

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For zoomies? Just robber barons like elon and beezus. Amerilards don’t science anymore


Shrek 2

The Punisher

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That fucking doll doesnt look like her in the slightest

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Jew rat pretending being Nazi

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Adolf Hitler

No one really. But they can look up to ideals. Every man should want to be:
capable of building/mending with a variety of materials
good orators
want to have 3 white kids at least
adventurous (swim, fish, sail, climb etc)

Often this means men have to look up to historical figures. But this is probably a good thing, because, if by learning about your heros you learn about history you see just how evil the modern elite is - and what they destroyed - and what we must rebuild.


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Subconsciously encouraging blonde women to date black men.

I want to sniff young jane goodall's feet

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putin or

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Anders Breivik

Complete loser living on mommybucks, tbeh.

Why did you post this image of Joe Biden?

I personally look up to my father and grandfather, but I understand this is not an option for many. But you could fill thousands of pages by simply writing down the names of admirable white men, whole libraries are needed to record their deeds. Take the history pill

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Barbie Coal Burner edition w/ kid.

Every person I ever admired or looked up to disappointed me immensely. Best practice is to not admire or look up to anyone.

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Joe Rogan

You're a gay ass homo-fag who spends all his time online looking for homosexual pictures

"Jane Goodall Says Global Issues “Wouldn’t Be a Problem” if Human Population Was 94% LOWER at World Economic Forum"

Amelia Earhart
Marie Curie
Florence Nightingale
The list goes on...
There were many many female role models for her. She just was and is too ignorant to know this.

I see if comes with an African coworker.

kek, was going to post this if I didn't see it in the comments.

Jane Goodall is funny
>Hanging out with monke, studying their life
>Local Africans constantly harassing the monke
>Jane has idea, dresses WW1 tier anti poison gas suit with huge mask, proceeds to run in the village proclaiming she's a ghost
>Unleashes starts gassing all their houses and huts
>Journalist a few months later starts giving her shit for what happened, accuses her of hating the local blacks
>She responds "I could never hate blacks because they are animals and I love all animals"
Can't remember the exact quote but it was basically that

he was a drifter hobo nogoodnikov then turned his life around in the army
good speaker, the living proof that one man can have a big impact in the grand scheme of things

im fishing here, i didnt have role models per se
i just decided that im a man someday and since then i hold standards that i identify as being manly.

The unspoken mistake in your thinking is that people should idolize someone that we all know. Good role models are fathers, grandfathers, youth leaders, coaches, etc.

If you have your shit together, go be a role model to someone who doesn't have the defacto father/grandfather available. That's how you heal a society.

She was physically perfect back then and remained beautiful in her old age. I don't know why bong women get so much abuse here. So many standouts come to mind.

>She responds "I could never hate blacks because they are animals and I love all animals"
Did she love roaches too? Mice?

Idolism is gay. Be your own God.