"The Chinese will be cruel masters. They aren't like us."

"The Chinese will be cruel masters. They aren't like us."

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they aren't gay

The good news is the first thing China plans to do once it becomes the dominant world superpower is test out its ethnoweapons on subsaharan Africa. By 2100 Africa will be a province of China and the nigger species will be extinct in the wild.

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I hate we are not cruel. We are just too kind. Just too higher moral standard. hope future we can be cruel.

There aren't enough Rhinos in existence to prop up Chinese birth rates. They're trying to colonize Africa for more access to Rhino dicks, but it simply isn't enough.

china needs to fix their demographics first

Cruel as in they believe in force instead of the passive agressive genocide we’re experiencing

Why won't this russophile faggot ever criticize jewtin?

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They won't even force tranny propaganda on your kids, tell countries that they have to have gay anal pride parades, or launch military invasions of countries which don't trade in yuan! Oh the humanity!

Only chuds like him have to worry.

>implying the USA are kind masters
We literally have funded and armed dozens of cartels, terrorist cells, and funded multiple coups against 3rd world nation democracies. Whats china going to do thats so much worse than what we already do?

Cause him criticizing China = criticizing Russia. USA only has one choice, neo cons and their counterparts neo libs. Both representing the same. Basically Tucker promotes a controlled OP via hegelian dialectic. USA is a totalitarianism.

>They won't even force tranny propaganda on your kids
TikTok is a Chinese app

Right on time

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They demoted that content before Trump threatened to nationalize the company.

chinksects are alienoid freaks with no sliver of humanity and exist as a central mind

they push it on their enemy


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Russia did nothing wrong.

Wow what a complete fucking idiot

Imagine getting to be one of those to reconquer Africa for great industrial goals.
So cool

Good. Look where western humanity got us.

>the nigger species will be extinct in the wild.
except for the concrete jungle, that'll be the last place you find niggers. and will be a good case for leaving citys in general. or just finishing the job cleansing them. only alternative is for them to learn fast that they are the last of their kind and they aren't pure what so ever.
if niggers in africa were wiped out, blacks would be largely extinct. And thats a good thing~CNN


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>turns children into trannies
>worships criminal niggers, builds them statues
>replaces white people in their own countries
>enacts anti-white policies such as affirmative action, non white small biz set asides, etc.
>sends white people to die in Jewish wars
>promotes race mixing especially with blacks

Yeah I’ll take China desu

>no argument so personal attacks
I wish I knew how to cope to your personal attacks. Being a 6.4ft masculine blond eye chad, responding to a insignificant manlet.

If they’re so cruel how come their population vastly trumps that of the anglosphere? Don’t answer; I already know
>they don’t senselessly wage wars or mass genocide their brothers
>they have created conditions which are favorable for massive populations
>they are more intelligent