If leftism is so bad, how do you explain Denmark?

If leftism is so bad, how do you explain Denmark?

Attached: 1649810180298.jpg (960x960, 117.6K)

Cause Denmark isn't leftist you retarded faggot.

Now get my countries name out of your fucking mouth

Nordic blood

They don't have niggers

You can do amazing things with no niggers.

if denmark is so great why don't you fuck off to there homo.

>small population
>mostly homogenous
>not leftist
Fpbp. Kill yourself, OP. Sage.

Denmark has social democracy, not socialism. Denmark isn't leftist, you subversive retard.


compared to the USA it is. we live in a capitalist kike nightmare, literally nowhere in the USA is it possible to afford a 1br apartment working full time for the minimum wage. If we get sick, we lose everything. If we want to go to college and get a decent career, we have to take on 100k in debt at age 21. Glorified sheds are selling as homes, for $500k

You are a goddamn left wing utopia in comparison to the jewnited states

Attached: usa.jpg (975x783, 113.48K)

>private company
Fucking idiot.

Elites hate black people so they make life in America shit. Poor white people are just collateral damage.

>small population
Completely irrelevant, that’s not how economics works.
>mostly homogenous
Not even true and racist and I don’t see the logic behind why it would matter
>not leftist
It’s further left than the democrats

US gov takes about 18% out of your daily pay. How much does Denmark take out?

in this thread:

jews saying that nordic social market policies are actually right wing just to keep americans from entertaining the thought of moving left

In Denmark they hire whites to work at mcdonalds. In America they hire blacks. looks like whites are over 3X more productive in these jobs. Same reason all these places that pay high wages work: they hire mostly whites.

You know nothing of my country. Go touch grass.

Nobody earns 7.25 anymore, retard. Not since the 2000s.

McDonald’s doesn’t pay $7.25 unless it’s in the middle of nowhere


>ITT: People argue pointlessly over semantics and and definitions despite social democracy within Denmark being a result of actual socialists trying to work within the system through legislation and unionism and despite social democracy obviously being further left than the DNC or whatever the fuck they believe in

>If leftism is so bad
it isnt per se social services can help lots of people and make for a better society only more socialism means more inflation more immigrants and more control for the government the most extreme form of socialims is communism where everything is in the hands of the government will the people cant own anything on their own this makes the population much more dependent on government and easier to controll which is why they want to go back to a similar system called stakeholder capitalism

OP completely, irreversibly, blown the fuck out.

Every American is a future millionaire that wants to exploit the wagies

Looks like another one of those meme's created at the CIA ministry of truth to create rage. Would love to see what the fact are.

I'm sure this is true, but it would be nice to see a real comparison on number of staff working at a location at one time

Im willing to bet that is for full time workers, and so 95%of the employees dont reach full time hours. That being sad id flip burgers if I could get a monday to friday schedule

>socialism is when government does stuff
Retard located. Scandinavian countries have very strong free markets which can support a strong welfare system. Even the “nationalized” oil industry is just the govt owning shares while the rest is privately owned and managed

Now talk about the income tax rates and all the other crazy taxes they pay


McDonald's is offering $13/hr around here. You need to update your shitty meme.

>kike nightmare
Checked and this. America’s problem is we let corporations act like people and endlessly let more immigrants in. This creates artificial shortages and drives demand for limited product. Stop letting corporations buy individual property, limit influx of immigrants and bring back incentives to be married/have children and society would get back on track. Continuing as we are now will only lead to complete collapse. I suspect we’re too far gone, though, to change course now

Anyone who has ever dealt with a fastfood employee once knows they don't fucking deserve $22/hour. Absolute fucking retards who think their labor in of itself justifies a high pay. And they don't even do that properly. A bunch of rude as fuck lazy motherfuckers that always get your order wrong and don't greet you properly when you go to order.

>1 post by this ID
These threads are either sills or shill bot IP's spamming nonsense, they make like over 15 an hour and maybe even 19. That means the right side of that meme is highly suspect too.

Um do Danes actually make a career out of McDonald's? I thought the point of McDonald's was for high school kids to make a little extra money.

Nobody said anything about socialism as a system you faggot it’s leftism

Lol it's not leftist at all, you mutts are so far inside your own arses that you are not able to comprehend simple concepts.

Check my flag for a real leftist shithole that's being saved year after year with the money coming from less leftist EU countries. It's a mess, and every fucking leftist should be killed on sight.

Denmark is capitalist

>lowest paying mcd's in America
>highest cost Big Mac in America
Compared to
>highest paying mcd's in Denmark
>lowest cost Big Mac in Denmark
>Euro at lowest value in recorded history
When you have an entire continent to sample from, it's incredibly easy to lie while technically being correct.
And the Big Mac is still 27 cents more. Kek!

Scandinavian countries don’t have minimum wage. OPs picture is about worker treatment and pay, and this is caused by their high level of unionization. Unions are socialist. Not the government itself.

>durr lefties r good

Attached: 1554361454777.jpg (237x250, 8.01K)


Aren't those are the people that are about to ban farming?

Attached: IMG_20220725_183330_131.jpg (916x950, 94.95K)

Economies of scale.

less niggers in Denmark

Don't pretend there's an actual wage, mutt. We all know that Americans are paid in tips and old sandwiches.

I don't think you'd want to live in Denmark
That's what Danes always tell me when I ask them why they want to live here kek

America is left wing. Anti capitalism =/= left.

Apologies for the OP faggot. Would you like us to send you all our leftist faggots? They need a new home because we are about to burn their shit down.

i'd gladly give half my paycheck if it meant never having to worry about getting randomly killed by a nigger or having my neighborhood ruined by "refugees"