Is there a single reason to move to the US that is not motivated by rampant consumerism?

Is there a single reason to move to the US that is not motivated by rampant consumerism?

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everyone loves cheap chinese goods. some just like paying more for them. those are people who want to immigrate to america

It's huge and you can disappear easily. Lax firearms laws. Rural white areas. Homeschooling is legal

Moving for BBC

No one immigrates to usa to be shot by hillbillies in bumfuck nowhere.

Home and land ownership is easily attainable. That's hard to say for much of the world. Anyone here with some hard work and dedication can own a home and land despite what they started from or level of God gifted IQ.

Huge areas of wilderness from coast to desert to high mountains to lakes to vast forests, all in one country. Generally decent people outside cities. General lack of restrictions compared to many places. Everybody focuses on the worst aspects of the US, some of which are easily avoidable, and ignores the positives.

Its amazing how corsets as topwear fell out of fashion, so they just did the exact same shape and function out of pants.

Why would you get shot by hillbillies in bumfuck nowhere, unless you fucked around with them?

Good for her for working hard and not marrying for citizenship

Greater freedom, greater chance of making it, better education, opportunity to own guns, beautiful landscapes to enjoy. America just about beats Europe in every regard.

To Worship niggers

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It's true we're all racist hillbillies shooting at random people. Stay away Europe is safer.

Nail paint tells you everything you need to know about a woman, if you see a woman with white nail paint, run.

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Because the US is so vast and geographically diverse. You don't need a passport to go through states and can travel freely with any method of transportation. You don't have the government breathing down your neck every second of your life(Outside of new england and california). You can do anything you want.



To avoid albanians.

what about blue nail paint

If you live in north mexico you are alredy effectively ruled by the whims of the US government and its various agencies, so why not at least show up and collect bennies?

Good reason, but then you have niggers, mexicans, indians chinks and so on.