After testing negative for the coronavirus on Wednesday, President Joe Biden delivered remarks from the White House Rose Garden where he compared his recovery to former President Donald Trump's. Biden said that he was able to work while he was sick thanks to the vaccine.

"When my predecessor got COVID, he had to get helicoptered to Walter Reed medical center, he was severely ill."

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He loses to bikes and stairs and complete sentences. No one’s buying his crap.

Biden is a fucking beast, his genes are kevlar tier. Just look at Hunter, that guy has partied to an extent that would have killed lesser men yet he persists. These guys are fighters and survivors. You want people like that leading your country, not Drumpf.

Dumbass fucking Trump. Maybe get vaxxed next time?

Cope tranny. You will never have a second term

Biden never had covid. He clearly had some other incident related to his senility and needed time to adjust to a new drug. That old fuck looked at the camera without blinking at all.

Biden also had two scoops of boosters
And still caught it

Attached: double vaxxed, double boosted.jpg (1391x1487, 234.74K)

And he also said you couldn't get covid if you had the vaxx.

Biden has the big advantage of actually being in shape

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He said you couldn't get covid vaccinated when that was actually true. Then delta and omicron came and it wasn't true any longer.

No vaccine is 100% effective. None.

i think this is the case where the vaccine really helped
they could be always lying

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>splitting hairs to win an incredibly pedantic point
You were extremely well protected during the alpha strain period (greater than 95%), but not after.

It was always BS, the so called vaccines are all developed from the original DNA scan sent by the chinks. That original virus in Wuhan never even made it outside there, it changed. In any case these non vaccines only tell the body to produce a spike protein, a stronger copy of the SARSCoV2 virus spike protein & then the immune system attacks it. They are not actual vaccines.

Wow! Amazing. USA really is in great shape. Thanks, OP.

>That original virus in Wuhan never even made it outside there, it changed
Where are you getting this idiotic misinformation? The CDC was able to produce their own genetic scan when it arrived in the US, they even published it[key:sequence_track,name:Sequence,display_name:Sequence,id:STD649220238,annots:Sequence,ShowLabel:false,ColorGaps:false,shown:true,order:1][key:gene_model_track,name:Genes,display_name:Genes,id:STD3194982005,annots:Unnamed,Options:ShowAllButGenes,CDSProductFeats:true,NtRuler:true,AaRuler:true,HighlightMode:2,ShowLabel:true,shown:true,order:9]&v=1:29903&c=null&select=null&slim=0

Omacron is much more mild

What the fuck kind of cope is this shit

New name for Trump is HELICOPTURD.

>muh alpha strain
There were hundreds, probably thousands of strains in existence before we even talked about vaccines.
The nature of flu-like respiratory illnesses, their ability to rapidly spread and mutate, means the likelihood of stopping it with a vaccine was very, very low.
If you thought that we could solve this problem despite being unable to end influenza and the common cold, if you believed everything you were told about this possibility, you were fooling yourself.
And Bidet is a retard.

Biden never had covid

>There were hundreds, probably thousands of strains in existence before we even talked about vaccines.
There's tons of information to show this isn't true. Strains fit neatly into variant categories which can be targeted by vaccines

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Flu can be categorized in exactly the same way. Still hasn't been stopped.

Enjoy your man made virus and your non working vaccines you gullible goy golem!

Inactivated virus vaccines are not effective enough in generating an immune response to fully suppress it. Smallpox wasn't beatable either until it was entirely eradicated.

Universal vaccines for all SARS-like viruses are in human testing at the moment

Smallpox has not been eradicated. And smallpox is not an obligate airborne infectious disease.

In addition smallpox has no animal reservoir.

Googling is really fucking hard bro

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>believing covid was ever isolated and purified
Just because they say so it doesn't mean it's true. It's really simple as. Now get boostered and enjoy your nanoparticles.

glumf btfod

>1949 in the USA.
It broke out again in 1978 long after the vaccine was created.
And it's breaking out again. It's called monkeypox.

Smallpox is not monkeypox you absolute goon, they're related but not the same, kys

>The last naturally occurring case was diagnosed in October 1977, and the World Health Organization (WHO) certified the global eradication of the disease in 1980,[10] making it the only human disease to be eradicated.[12]

He had the 3rd strain, quite weak, weird he even caught it, must have a weak immune system.

They totally had the same strain, right?

(((Journalists))) deserve the rope.

You're retarded. Everytime they claim it's because of a vaccine it was due to hygiene. I can't await you retards getting vaxxed multiple times a year from now on and calling every serious side effect a necessary toll to be paid. You know I debated scientists and that was their last strawman when they had no arguments anymore to get me vaccinated.

Who ever said they were the same, dumbfuck? You were just arguing that Covid vaccine failed because it was a different strain. This happens in families of viruses too.
Monkeypox is harder to contract than smallpox but faggots are still spreading it across the world.
Wait until smallpox returns and see what you think about the faggots then.

>Universal vaccines for all SARS-like viruses are in human testing at the moment
I wont believe that until they unblind and inject the control group.

>Wait until smallpox returns
Do you have brain problems or something? The entire point of smallpox is that it's entirely eradicated and no longer exists on Earth. It can't reappear again because it doesn't exist.

All I know is that in like 2nd grade they told us you can't vaccinate for viruses effectively and that's good enough for me.

First of all, it does exist in labs.
Secondly, it can reappear because variola virus is highly mutagenic. Smallpox could come back in the wild from a monkeypox mutation.