First hand vax injures

Post your first hand experience with vax injures, i'll start
>moms coworkers daugher in coma after 4th pfizer jab
>grandma got myocarditis after second pfizer jab
>female coworker had to take blood thinners for 5 months, because her blood became so thick, they couldn't even get her blood tested properly

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I don't have anyone from Lithuania in the Death Lists yet

*2022 Death (List)*

*2021 Death (List) Part A*

*2021 Death (List) Part B*

Attached: VI-Death (List) Vi.jpg (436x266, 20.42K)

Ooh look, another schizo thread.

>got j&j
>sore and fatigued the next day

Coworker lost hearing in one ear a few hours after the second shot. Months later he’s told it’s nerve damage and permanent.

Lots of ambulances about nowadays. Used to rarely see them.

Also at my office job I’ve heard of at least three people sick with COVID and/or doing tests and shit to get it fixed.

I can feel the acceleration creeping in.

I have permanent eye floaters and got coof anyway. 3 jabs. What a fucking con job.

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Don’t know anyone who died. I know three people who broke out in unusually bad cases of shingles, though.

A coworker had a stroke last year (< 30yo), came back after a couple weeks but couldn't keep up with the work (IT) anymore, had to resign

I stay away from jabbies and have no line of communication with jabbies, for they are of their father the devil.

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>friend got heart issues
> co worker has a brain aneurysm, finding it after having a bad reaction, his eye ball was blood shot and like bulging out
>another co workers mate died of a brain aneurysm 3 days after 2 jab
>best friend's mate's mother died after 2 jabs, all sorts of crazy shit like clots in brain
>another friend's co worker had heart issues
>another friends friend got Costocondritis after jab
>father has cancer after 3rd shot, had scans months prior and nothing.
Thank fuck I stayed un vaxxed.

Oh forgot to mention, heaps of people with shingles aswell

>Lots of ambulances about nowadays
I'm living at the same place for 4 years now, when I bought the appartment it was 1 maybe 2 ambulances a day, nowaways I even started counting. One day I counted 16. Zero media attention, zero information.

My 36 year old sister and my 70 year old aunt had strokes within a week of each other. Yeah my aunt is older so it's somewhat understandable, but my sister? And there has never been a stroke in my immediate family before.

But they wouldn't even entertain the idea that it was vaxx related. Sheep are sheep until they die

Go to bed Jacinta. Never wake up.

Older cousin ~70 died a few days after being put in the hospital after her second dose

My cousin’s former roommate’s stepfather’s gym instructor got a sore knee. We’re pretty sure it was his fourth vax. Mind you, he has asthma, so the vax probably saved his life when he got the vids. Anyway, I’m sure two weeks from now all the vaxtards are going to die of AIDS. I saw it on YouTube.

good mate myocarditis with 32
good friend central vein thrombosis and temporary half blind until she got a syringe in the eyeball. Now her body itches constantly.
neighbor of my best fren supposedly died because of the vax, but was in his mid 80s and noone can prove, so I guess that doesn't count

with covid I only have a ex colleague of my mum who was in coma for one week when the pandemic began, she's also nearly 90.

Inheriting anything good?
All injectoids wont last the year, whether they accept their deaths and do nothing or fight back the outcome for them is unavoidable.

Kek. Screenshotting this. How long into next year shall I post it when everyone is still alive, you goon?

i know a chick diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury after getting the j&j then getting conked in the head, doctors said they had no idea why it progressed the way it did (from no concussion, to minor concussion, to full on TBI with a brain bleed pressing on her optic nerve so her night vision cut out).

another chick got diagnosed with atypical lyme's disease bc they didn't know what else to diagnose her with but she was fuuuucked up to the point that she couldn't keep working and had to basically stay in bed in a darkened room for several weeks.

dad and grandma were both diagnosed with cancer about 6 weeks after their second shot. dad w/ squamous head and neck cancer in a lymph node and salivary gland, grandma with leukemia. both went into remission after about 6 months.

landlord's wife's lou gehrig's went from early to late stage within 2 months of her second shot, a process that normally takes years was accelerated

a good buddy of mine had cancer which had gone into remission for about a year and then came back with a vengeance after his vaccines, metastacized very quickly and now he isn't expecting to live much longer. he has two young daughters.

i went out to an indian reservation and 100% of the people i talked to had either had bad adverse reactions themselves or someone in their immediate family. strokes, weird pneumonia, myocarditis, blood clots requiring amputation or surgery, several deaths. at one point i was talking with a group of four women, two of the four had cysts or growths in their ovaries, the other two were post-menopause and had weird intermittent bleeding with intense pain and cramps. whatever's in these bioweapons targets native folks 100% and nobody is reporting on it.

my mom's book club/brunch group thing is all 50+ women and several of them got shingles, including one woman on her eyeball. another had a stroke the day after her booster. 7 out of 12 women had severe adverse reactions.

Nice cope, bong. Good luck to you.

My friend found dead at a bus stop. He was reasonably healthy 40(ish) year old male. No cause of death. According to rumours, he grabbed his chest in pain and keeled over. this happened few months of after his injection.

i already wrote about a friends granpa that died from it and how my parents feel like shit. the newest thing that happened is my friends brother got covid again after 1-2 weeks of recovering from it and it took an eternity to heal both times. this time his tonsils got inflammed while he had covid. had an allergic reaction to some medication the docs gave him and he had so much trouble breathing he thought he was gonna die for sure. then theres this person i was close to who assured me they were fine while coughing and being sick. this person themselves knows apparently someone who straight up got parkinsons from it. its fucked to say but i do believe the vaids shit is real which is why these people get sick so often and so badly.

>scans months prior and nothing, before cancer
both my dad and grandma had been in for bloodwork and checkups less than 2 months before being diagnosed with cancer, completely clean and clear and healthy. then, bam, they both had it.

>its fucked to say but i do believe the vaids shit is real which is why these people get sick so often and so badly
I was on vacation and it became pretty cold in the summer for a few days, I came back to work, fucking everyone is sneezing and coughing, only 2 people (including me) were fine with no sings of cold.

Larping kissless virgin antivaxxers: the thread.

>Larping kissless virgin antivaxxers: the thread.
Thanks for the bump, Rabbi

Your goal was us to get the jab. You failed. We've already won. You dying is the cherry on top.

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>be me
>not vaxxed but my entire family is
>family goes on short holiday while I stay behind and looked after things
>family comes back with covid
>we're all infected
>I'm the only one in the family that didn't have severe symptoms
>even my younger sister had it really bad
>I'm alreay back at work

If the company I worked at had actually given me sick pay I would've milked the shit out of this and gotten a couple weeks off, though I haven't been working here long enough. But I'm just glad everyone is recovering. And at least they're refusing further injections too.