When will you assholes realize that if you just gave up your disgusting alt-right ways, you'd be so much happier...

When will you assholes realize that if you just gave up your disgusting alt-right ways, you'd be so much happier. Think about it:
>leftists have way more sex than far-right crackjobs
>they have higher paying jobs
>they have families that love and support them
>they're in better shape
>they actually have functional social circles full of diverse people
>they go outside all the time
Seriously, why don't you just come to our side? You'd be so much more happy.

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You know I'm right.

>generic unrelated pepe
>muh alt-right
>muh leftists
What are you sliding?

Not true, I'm right wing and i fuck your mom way more than any leftist

>cum for brains goes for degenerate sex lives as immediate point
>they're in better shape

Nope, you're just a dumb faggot

You don't have sex, you don't have a wife or kids so wtf you smoking bro?
And why do you think the 42% top them selves?

Why are you so triggered? I'm trying to help you.

post neovagina

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It was real in your mind

OP is an incel, and will die a virgin

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In the past year, I've had sex approximately 125 times... With one woman in a committed relationship. And that was despite being long distance.

I will definitely have way more sex once I am married. Because I will have a woman who stays at home all day and actually lives with me.

My family is way more loving and supportive then any leftist family would be. My mom is the one who set me up with my girlfriend.

Most leftists are ugly and fat.

Diverse people? That's hilarious. In college I was exclusively friends with Arabs and Asian people. My best friend is Hispanic, most of my co-workers are black, and my girlfriend is Asian. I have way more non-white friends then you do.

I go outside every day whether its for work, going out to eat with my family, or hanging out with friends.

Oh and everybody I know is aware of my views, including my girlfriend and even my co-workers.

The fact is, I hate casual sex/hookup culture. I hate feminism. I hate women's independence. And I hate kink culture. I lean towards being pro-white but honestly am more pro-Asian.

I find that every single non-white person I've met can't stand the self-hating white people and they really like seeing a white man who has self respect.

You sure are obsessed with trannies.


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You will never be a woman, now kill yourself

>When your partner start complaining about you to other man.
Frens, what happens next? Is it going to be slippery slide which will end up in harsh breakup or just a shit test. Even if it is shit test why would someone take personal matters in front of a "stranger" for approval. What to do guys?

>using own entitled identity as a insult
dilate, pulsate and explode. No one would really care about you. I am using memeflag so that you can't ad hominem me.

meds. now

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Pretty much everyone on the left has to see a therapist and needs safe spaces

>leftists have way more sex than far-right crackjobs

But I don't want to fuck dudes.

No, that would be the proud boys who are still reeling from Trump losing

Why are you sweating, frog?

Fuck you mate, I make a quarter million a year and you and your faggot friends can go fuck yourselves. Hail Thomas


Rent free.

are you newly hired?

If only because it's the most in your face example of the farcial nature of current events.

It's like a litmus test for insanity. And despite the fact that they are a small minority, the hoops that your tribe will go through for them makes your entire worldview suspect.