I used to think these people were lunatics, but I look back and I see that I was the stupid one...

I used to think these people were lunatics, but I look back and I see that I was the stupid one. I thought slippery slope was a fallacy, but then we went from no gay marriage to trans toddlers in just a few years. These people were right about everything.

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Correct. Praise Christ.

Same experience here; I can’t believe they were right all along. We used to mock these people when they showed up at the college campus.

I guess they were the true church all this time

>hurr you should just sit there like a cuck while an army of retards wants you dead or treated like a second class citizen for how you were born
>you can get married now therefore there are absolutely no problems that you can have in society
Fuck off homophobe cuck. You want to try to make life hell for millions of people for how they were born, expect some pushback you tyrannical piece of shit.

these people are niggers and you sound like it too

I just find faggots to be annoying and disease ridden, and I wish they'd stop molesting and grooming, that's all

>seething antichrist

Give em an inch they take a mile and call you a nigger while taking it. Day of the rope soon faggot.

aids....... faggots ignored it......

monkey pox.......... faggots ignored it......

what comes next?

these are scary times op

Or... you could not be a degenerate.

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Time is a gift and perception is temporary


Hating westboro is one of the many things I realized I was wrong about. I also voted for Obama. I recant.

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>Or... you could not be a degenerate
That is clearly asking to much. We can shut down the whole world for a big nothing but sodomitical orgies must endure unabated.

>These people were right about everything

They were definitely right about pic related

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They were protesting at my campus once and all the students were seething, I walked up and shaked their hands only to see more students seethe.

Stop spreading diseases you poxxer fag.

If only people cared when it actually mattered, people could've prevented this.

Milo Yiannopolous interviewed Maggie Phelps from Westboro baptist church. It was an incredibly eye opening interview. I can't tell you where to watch it as its been taken off of YouTube. But it completely changed my mind about WBC.

>t. sodomite

find god. come back after you find god