Why is everyone so against eating bugs?

Bugs have been proven to be healthier than red meat, sustainable, easy to grow, lots of protein. so on and so forth. Does anyone have any good argument against eating bugs other than "the elite said to eat them therefore they must be bad"? What are the political implications of a countries food source mainly consisting of edible bugs?

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Because fuck you, that's why.

>Does anyone have any good argument against eating bugs

Yeah, it's gross. Idc if individuals voluntarily seek them out in the market, but using propaganda campaigns and manipulating agriculture to push it on the public is disturbing.

Go sell your bugs then, Klaus.

>the elite said to eat them
They are already giving them to kids in Canadian schools.
They want the unique proteins found in bugs to trigger our epigenetics,
devolving us to our genetic state when we were creatures that ate bugs.

Same reason I wont fuck a trany its fucking disgusting

>Can't check for disease
>Can't separate organs
>Can't guarantee they stay in their enclosure
>Humans are not made for digesting bugs
>Either worthless proteins, unhealthy fats or downright toxic compounds
It's also a very stupid idea to domesticate an insect to rapidly proliferate itself by consuming any and all biomatter it can find.

I am in no way, shape, or form against you eating bugs user.

>Does anyone have any good argument against eating bugs other than "the elite said to eat them therefore they must be bad"?
Cultures that eat meat ruled the world throughout history. Cultures that eat bugs mostly did nothing of value

How about this. If YOU want to eat bugs, go ahead. Just don't force ME to eat the bugs.
Same thing with people that say we need to depopulate. If YOU think the world needs depopulation, why don't YOU start off the process with YOURSELF and leave ME out of it.

They're yucky

because they’re gross and have parasites

You eat them then you dick sucking slave

Shut up nigger.

It's simple. Humans sit at the top of the food chain. The push to eat ze bugz and be vegan is demoralisation and deprives us of the nutrition we need. You should be eating: little/no carbohydrate, meat/fish/animal products, vegetables. It's that simple. Stop eating goyslop. Just eat your vegetables and animal products.

fpbp also its disgusting

Jesus Christ ate lamb and fish, so I will follow in his footsteps and eat those animals, along with chicken, pork and beef

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came here to say this. it’s gross, so im not doing it.

>counts the indigestible chitin as protein to make it sound much better than it actually is
>doesn’t remove the bitter, shit-filled intestine from the bugs
>”WoAh DiD yOu kNow a BuG HaS mOrE pRoTeiN PeR KiLoGrAm ThAn a BeEf DoEs!!!????!

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"Trendy bugs, for trend bugmen!"
Trademark now.
Invest. Invest!

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Nobody is stopping you from eating bugs now nigger. help yourself to as many as you'd like them kindly shut the fuck up and let others enjoy red meat

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You are free to eat them all you want faggot. Stop telling ppl what to do racist Nazi bigot.

goes against my buddhist dietary beliefs, also it would be easier to just get your daily intake of protein from mushrooms and dairy products ffs

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Because I’m a Hebrew

you do realize that you honestly eat a lot of bugs whether you realize it or not right? obviously not on the scale that these people are trying to get going, but its completely unnavoidable - you're going to be eating bugs in quite a few of your meals due to various reasons.

not trying to normalize this stuff, but, there is something to be said there i guess. like, whats the normal food to bug ratio you and most people are willing to accept until you say "nah"? Me personally I'm not sure I'm willing to go much further than it currently is right now.

this eating kosher is clean, there is a group of locusts that are considered edible from biblical times, but other than those no bugs are fine

>healthier than red meat
straight up lie

I'll eat humans(again) before i eat bugs

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