Why was he memoryholed? Why was no one else caught except ghislaine

Why was he memoryholed? Why was no one else caught except ghislaine

Attached: 1658954544874181.jpg (600x600, 58.4K)

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because it was extremely dangerous to our democracy

my dad hasn't come back so probably he was in that

Whos gonna catch them? The other pedophiles?
There is war in Babylon and one side is asleep

Why did they photoshop eyes on him?

Ghislaine is cute

Because feds suicided him, and destroyed all the evidence

Between biden and epstein seems like there’s a lot of eye photoshopping going around. Interdasting

Gathering witness protection potential homes on zillo

I still think Corona was his DMS

Because the world is ran by pedophiles

I’d assume to “humanize him”. Maybe they thought he looks a little smug or something in the original photo. The ironic part is the photo shop just makes him look like he’s staring at the blondes tits.

because it was extremely dangerous to our billionaires


No eyedea

Attached: Butthole.jpg (1181x1181, 250.03K)

To me they look dead. Like in those Victorian death photographs.


and that's a good thing!

whos eyes is he wearing?

satanic ritual


he was working for the CIA and Mossad, silly. so was Ghislaine, her dad raised her as an MKultra sex kitten. the whole thing was about blackmail and channeling black money.


Cuz he hang out with the Clintons and the Trumps, two of the most dangerous klans in the world.


you guys.. epstein has blue eyes... why did they shop the wrong color eyes on him...

It was too sensational.
And very dangerous to "our democracy"


Sloppy job

I think that the criminal case arose out of a civil suit filed by one of the girls. I thought I heard during the trial that any evidence that did not merit the civil suit, could not be heard by the court. Didn't charges get filed on Andrew?

Photoshopping eyes on actually makes more sense for a cable channel presentation.
I'm sure it was for one of those long still shots with stern narration as the camera slowly pans and/or zooms across across the photograph for a while. In which case, it would be much more desirable to see his face as normal and recognizable (eyes open) in this shot where he's also being presented in the context of these other people (all of whom have their eyes open).
In media production, it would just make more sense from a direction / production / narrative standpoint and is a minor and trivial fix to make with only minor detraction from accuracy for the sake of non-distracting presentation and flow.
And, after all, this is a Discovery Channel edutainment / infotainment "documentary" and not serious journalism, courtroom presentation, etc., which would be much more demanding of 100% accuracy and integrity rather than just holding maximum viewership for advertising revenue when those commercial breaks pop on.
Most (if not all) journalism is yellow journalism lacking integrity in favor of ratings, profits, and not upsetting TPTB and their status quo.