Why is nobody working in southern Europe?

Attached: QfUhmls.jpg (2362x2212, 929.19K)

Free money

No jobs

they work hard in the past!

does that count self employed?

A lack of fast food restaurants


eu is a failed state

Why would you? This question never gets answered somehow.

2013 Q1?
imagine 2022 Q2?

Why would you when you can just borrow money and use daddy germany as collateral

Black economy i.e. off-the-books work.
Much easier to do there than in highly-developed, highly transparent economy like e.g. UK, Nordics, Germany.

Southerners have lower privated debt than the germs and their boot licking cronies.

>Highly transparent economy
>The City
Pffff do you really believe the shit you write?

how do you say lavoro in nero in greek?

Because these stats are probably informed by lockdowns killing tourism jobs. Loads of young people in southern Europe work in tourism because their countries are our gardens and they are our gardeners

Portugal has become much better in that area

Attached: graph_country.png (730x290, 2.62K)

man, 24 year olds haven't even graduated from university yet

Because southern Europe is a shithole. Best food but corrupt as fuck and bad wages.

also the reason why nobody is working in northern europe
t. wajong

Why are Denmark flags so uncommon on this board?

Holy fuck Germany and Austria just reunite already!


They work black. It means non registered work paid in cash and no taxes paid.

Why is everybody with rking in Germany?

Medshits are fucking useless.

Attached: 1481014669780.png (1470x904, 112.4K)

Lπborπm in πero

>with rking

Just do more creative counting
>En person räknas som arbetslös om denna saknar sysselsättning men kan och vill ta ett arbete inom 14 dagar och aktivt sökt jobb under de senaste fyra veckorna eller väntar på att börja ett jobb som startar inom tre månader.
>A person is counted as unemployed if they lack employment but can and want to take a job within 14 days and have actively looked for a job in the last four weeks or are waiting to start a job that starts within three months.
>and want to

work is considered the main goal in life, to an autistic level! no joke!

Attached: work.jpg (735x610, 66.57K)