Reaction vids

When I get drunk, I like to watch multicultural "reaction" vids of shit that I like. Do you think that the situation can be salvaged if heebs and retarded "elites" are not in the picture? Whites take the rudder and the warm wing of white supremacy falls over the world. All sorted.

No Any Forums jews allowed in this thread.

A few examples.

I know that this stuff is goyslop, but think about a white supreme world order where our vibes are propped up culturally through propaganda. Can the rest of Gods children exist happily under our rule, in our menagerie of humanity?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cultural Scandinavianism

> Whites take the rudder and the warm wing of white supremacy falls over the world. All sorted.

>Can the rest of Gods children exist happily under our rule, in our menagerie of humanity?

No sane White person wants to rule niggers or Asians. We just want to be left alone. White Supremacy is a jewish straw man.

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White supremacy is human meritocracy. Whites are the crown chakra of the planet. So goes reality.

Ofc you can not sell it that way.

Observe the ferreting around American jew.

Patrick Little was a straight shooting autist who suggested revoking all aid from Israel and giving it to American niggers. Such a succulent troll.

Imagine being a jew parasite that opposes that to "muh survive" as a planetary gypsy pest, I guess with trans humanist retardation in your sights.

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The jew must shed his heeb status and become one with the host. That is how parasites survive through evolution. You can not continue to be "othered" forever.

He wanted to give Israel aid to niggers as reparations, I should say.

These sorts of threads is a testament to what a cackling heeb ghetto Any Forums is these days.

What is it that you want?

Listen tp this naga easily falling in line under Christian values.

Let them do their thing so that they can develop as full people. Having every race handle one specific chakra is what the jews are trying to do. It's why black people are in all the forms of art now, to create interacial dependence

Heebs rinsed out of white society, and from there whites can sort shit across the board, benefitting all. That is "the warm wing of white supremacy".

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Blacks bring their vibes to the arts. Rustic vibes. Where they have "funk", whites have three stroke olden times folk music. But all of that sort of stuff is besides the point. What I am getting at is that a "multicultural world" of sorts, could easily exist under sound white rulership.

American jews, faggots, trannies and "fallen whites" like tech faggots for the NWO are sabotaging our rulership now. If artists like Alice in chains who I link, where pushed forward more, other races would stand in awe more, and understand the white spirit.

That is all sabotaged today by jews and these "elites" in our ranks that subjugate themselves to tech faggotry and waman sensibilities.

American capitalism ridden with jews utterly cut the reigns to their "pets", and now you have chimp outs where young blacks are falling back to the tribal Africa level, but with more dysfunction.

The jew and the "elite" want you to flail at the head of the hydra, so you do not cut at its heart.

Observe how and interesting thread has no posters.
That is (((Any Forums)))

I think we should all be capable of independence so that we can be sure that where we interact with each other, the interaction is beneficial, as cross dependence of too high of a degree can allow the relationship between the races to become abuseful such that it cannot be exitted when abuse occurs. See chinese people turning into cunts putting poison into a lot of stuff they make for us just because we became temporarily tied to them for certain goods

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Get a load of this guy giving a "sheud eud" to Tyson James. What the fuck is America going to do with these middle of the road blegs? Are you going to gas them?

They must be wrangled back into shape. This is where muscular Christian activism like that from Nick Fuentes and Vince James comes into play. If the American clusterfuck is to be salvaged, it must happen under attractive superstition, like age old Christianity.

As you can see on the JEWISH WEB PAGE Any Forums, any mention of these things brings all the tards to the yard to yap their little heeb kvetches trying to bring you back to the latest chimp out that occurred under the gypsy jew world order.

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White supremacy is established by nature. We erected the entire modern world.
Jews are a sickness. The sickness within the "elites" comes from jews.
Jews lie and take the "leap of faith" to lie grandiosely. That is from their evolution as wandering, shifting parasites.

With white rulership rooted in a universial superstition such as Christianity, all pieces fall into place and there is not a problem to be seen across this planet. I say "superstition" like I myself is a materialist, but I say that because I have "new agey" takes on that sort of stuff. The plebs though, the masses, need the olden times forms. The forms where the jew is shunned and Jesus Christ, a handsome blond and blue eyed man, is held up as the saviour.