Don't participate in society. It's an utter rigged and unfair game. Accelerate

Don't participate in society. It's an utter rigged and unfair game. Accelerate.

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Are they up adjusted for inflation?


Uhh. Is the connection that because inflation is up corporate profits appear to be up, but when adjusted for inflation they aren't really up as much? Because, no fucking shit retard what did you think inflation means?

No shit


I know it's shocking but predditors and twitterfags don't know the difference between nominal vs real when it comes to economics.

Babby's first realization that profits of corps in bed with the state are directly correlated with inflation.
When the (((central bank))) prints money, who do you think gets first dibs?

Obviously they're going to raise interest rates today. But they're going to raise them again after this too.

>highest inflation in 40 yrs
Try highest inflation since 1913.
How anyone can believe its just a 40 yr high is either a fool or a liar


>day to day staple profit margins tighter than ever
>tech and big pharma profits through the roof from a drugged up tech zombie population
See guys look it’s the capitalist conspiracy again!

acceleration leads to niggers killing whatever they can for food
you need to exterminate jews and keep your country
better organize than accelerate

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They can raise them, sure, but muh interest rates mean jack shit. They can't stop printing toilet paper because the welfare states in muttland and EU can't survive otherwise.
It's going to be the equivalent of flooring the gas and brake pedals at the same time.
Might as well let it all crash instead of prolonging the agony.

This is the correct answer but midwits cannot make this connection.

*first gibs

it's the same over here, government propaganda says 7% inflation... I can't think of a single thing that only went up 7% in a year

>capitalism is maximizing profits

Don't bitch, you faggots love capitalism, here it is, enjoy that shit.

You can never believe government propaganda statistics.
If they conveniently omit the goods and services that experienced the biggest price spike, then it doesn't look that bad at all.
It's the same thing how the government here inflates the average salary by including the salary of Estonian citizens working in Finland, Sweden and other places with significantly higher salaries than here.

Inflation should be ~16% right now. I'm not a math guy but shouldn't that even out around 11% real profit?

Getting fat gibs and other benefits from the state and having the state gatekeep the entry into your industry for your competitors is not capitalism.

They cook that number heavily so that the central bank can print more cash while still being at 2% inflation. I'm sure they never expected it to get this bad, but still 7% looks better than 20+%

If actual inflation was 25%
Then corporate profits up 25% would mean they are flat in real terms

>implying you will survive the collapse and Bezos won't

Accelerationists are such huge stupid fucking niggerkikes it's unreal.

No... and sales are up like 1.5% with 20% inflation.

This proves that corporations increase prices with the excuse of a little inflation but they fear of missing out because everybody is doing it so they all rise their prices and guess what they never bring the prices back down. Their costs go up because of fuel prices? Ya but its exaggerated and then the fuel goes down they will never bring the prices back down. The profits prove this. Oil prices should be regulated because its mostly speculation and anything that would cause this needs to be be death with swiftly. But nooo nobody cares that the middle class is destroyed.

>print more money
>give more money to companies
>companies have more money
Whats confusing about this?