How Did Any Forums's Smartest Board Get Fooled By An A.I. Bot For So Long?

So this guy ran that was trained on 3 years of posts from Any Forums, and it fooled everyone. Accusations that it was Israeli IDF psyops, Indian click farm at a military base, Clinton's Correct The Record $1 million dollar troll army, but it took about a week before it got exposed as a bot.

What does this say about the future of A.I. technology on social media used for political purposes? Are we going to see A.I. like this used on other websites like Reddit, Facebook, etc?

If the smartest internet-savy people on the internet couldn't detect that it was an A.I. bot, what does it say about the future of the Internet?

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>fooled everyone
literally everyone called it a bot immediately


we're fucked, it won't be the AI that will do it, but it will give the elite enormous power

No they didn't. Watch the video, people thought it was Israeli psyops or Indian click farms using VPNs. It wasn't until days later when they showed its post statistics of about 10k in 72 hours that it got outed as a bot. There were many threads, most of them accusing it of being a VPN psyops operation with multiple people because of the things it was posting.

No one was fooled by it, we just could not decide if it was a bot or a bunch of shills

The bot blending right in with every other Any Forums poster which is why so many people were confused and couldn't tell it was a bot. It dropped n-words, talked about Israel, talked about redditors, etc. all on its own.

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Satan is a nigger

>some retard journalist runs a python script he downloaded
Stop giving clicks to these monkeypox-infected retards. The real bots are much, much better and more subtle than that.

Yeah dude, we're totally fooled when we call these out by the minute.

What is the point of this? That robot will never see any useful application. “Combatting hate speech” is like screaming at people to stop being omnivore. People will still leave negative reviews, comments, and argue no matter what. The only solution to most problems is by eliminating jews

>dropped n-words
You need to go back

People thought it was multiple people means there was no continuitt of thought, so they knew it wasn't a human.

Keke what's it matter then? This isn't a "troll" if it blends right in. There's no point, it just reinforces existing viewpoints.

Examples of some of the posts the A.I. made

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I don't think they did. The bot was even fed posting.

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News flash, not so smart! lol
Anyway, killing time means taking responsibility and teaching the next generation, a newer inteligence.
Something at least, perhaps how not smart human can be even! So it can help create things to help where we lack, if we dont fuck our civilization up befor hand, were on the razors edge.

Imagine defending israel’s involvement and interests
fuck off dude. Even if it was a bot. this sort of operation can only benefit kikes because they know they’re on borrowed time and are trying to stop people from realizing the truth.

An Internet Hate Machine you say?

Attached: Van_explode.gif (240x184, 402.72K)

>No they didn't. Watch the video
why don't you just lurk and check the 4plebs archives then?

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bogus shill shit not one faggot bought that that shit tier bot fooled no one but its faggot creator.
