Why dont the working class people refuse to obey to the capitalist system and just kill all the billionaires and elites?

Why dont the working class people refuse to obey to the capitalist system and just kill all the billionaires and elites?

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why dont you get my order here quicker? no i wont tip

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is there a button on the app I can press that makes the worthless food serf earn even less money? i'd press it.

He is fat, that faggot should just eat less.

cattle never rebel against being cattle

>Uber eats
>working class
Pick one

hurry up wagie!
If you have time to put shit in your nose, you can bring my tendies faster

no tip, no delivery
doordash lets me know ahead of time if I should decline your order, cheap nigger

why is the salary between the employee and the customer and not between the employer and the employee? that's some grade A kike shit.

>i might have to move back into my parents Middle Class home!

If this fucker would remove the cow ring from his septum, maybe more people would tip him better. Seriously. Septum rings are for cows and sjw's, of the two I'm far more likely to be nice to the cow.

What fuck you talking about. For america to be capitalist that would imply that people receive payment in the form of a capital good. USD is nothing but company script. The whole thing is lye of a free markets and capitalisms.

Name an other form of capital that the government can just create or destroy?

Fucks like this are always filming this shit on an iphone on a $80 phone plan and doing every other dumb fucking thing with their money.

I had guys like this at my job that complained about low pay, while I was telling them I was living alone, fucking prostitutes, having unlimited weed and over a thousand bux a month of pure spending money. These dudes spent $200 on a night out partying then complained about being broke living at home with their parents. They make these kind of videos when their parents kick them out. You can tell by his nosering that he never ever cared to do anything proper because it was for lame ass nerds.

Elites have learned that normies are helpless against the long con

>Quickly grabbing freedoms
>[Drake looks away in disgust]
>Slowly eroding freedoms
>[Drake points in approval]

Door dash doesn't have real tips. It has bounties or bids. Calling it a tip is a lie.

Because that would be collective action and that would require organization and any organization that threatens the liberal order is immediately eliminated.

why don't indian people just stop shitting in the streets and get nice toilets like civilized people?

I've never ordered from that expensive shit.
Fuck that goyim crap. I'll go grab my own food.

>just kill all the billionaires and elites?
Good luck with that

Freemasons tongue my anus

>uber driver
here's' a tip get a real job

QRD? What exactly is doordash is it some kind of eBay for food?

I live in Australia. We don’t tip. If you don’t get paid enough you need to find a different job.

>us flag
>ends demand in question mark

Working class is a dying breed

>blz gib tib
Lmao no

He appears to be a healthy young male. There is definitely work for someone like him. not fun work, but work nonetheless. he doesn't have to do delivery. work in a factory somewhere in the midwest.

I hope he doesn’t become homeless and I hope communism is completely destroyed.

I used to drive Uber/Lyft
Fucking scam
I payed for fuel, insurance, maintenance, and the wear and tear on my car. Fucking impossible to pay for all that on what amounted to less than $500 a week driving full time

Maybe some cities/states passed laws to even that out but they had to be compelled by law to do it.


Your job provider should pay you for it not me.

Nobody will ever do shit. Just like your poojeet country where everyone just accepts serfdom and nothing ever changed

Then change jobs you’re the fucking begger least a nigga will rob you

3rd party food delivery. A service that delivers for restaurants that don't normally offer delivery. Excellent idea, corporately executed. Ok if you're drunk and can't drive. Look forward to spending $25 on a burger by the time you add tax and delivery fee and tip.

>multiple jobs
Being a reddit moderator isn't a job

Just take a large loan and max out your credit cards, then don't pay shit lmao.
It will buy you time to find a proper job.

That is a woman.

Because they're sheep. They need to be awoken so we can have a true workers revolution.

They're Lumpenproletariat, unfit to be anything but cattle for the upper classes.

Everyone is cucked :/

Maybe he should stop buying piercings and nose rings if he’s so strapped for cash
>Uber eats
A job a chimpanzee could be trained to do

I see, thanks

Even Elon Musk

IF he did a good job I'll leave him a good tip.
If he tells me to tip i'll leave a complaint.

>derr why don't you just kill billionaires, you'll be rich

This is why you're not rich, you're retarded. The poor will always be poor no matter how much money you throw at them.

He's nowhere near as poor as someone 100 years ago

He would have a little bit more money if he didn't spend it on that nose ring. He's also fat. I'm sure if we could see where he lives we could see also sorts of frivolous crap he blew his money on.

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>nose piercing
>stupid manicured beard
This dude isnt poor

>Why dont the working class people refuse to obey to the capitalist system and just kill all the billionaires and elites?
Murder is not the answer. Killing is only right in self-defense.
The people should separate themselves from the evil system. Like the Mennonites, or the Amish. Be separate. And do not use the fiat currency of the enemy. Do not consume their media. Do not allow intrusions. Consider the muslims in Europe who control their own areas and who do not allow intrusions from outer authorities. Be ungovernable by those outside, only accept leadership from within.
Form the White Christian Patriarchy and people will join.

I've delivered pizza for two years and the most I ever got was a €5 tip, meanwhile my Chad co-worker used to bring home €20 bills daily. I don't know about the US, but here tips are for attractive people only.

True, but not from his doing, it was the rich people who raised his standard of living.

Guess what. I'll just go pick up my own food, your job is irrelevant

>I live in Australia. We don’t tip.

Only cuckolds tip. If you don't like your wages talk to your employer, it's got nothing to do with me.

>being mad at the customer and not the business owner who has scammed your low-IQ brain into thinking its the customer who is the one fucking you over

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What exactly would that solve?

You won't.
You're a 1pbtid faggot .

But we did just that. And you still cry about it and try to cover it up with lies and fakery.

Friendly reminder, if somebody with zero experience can do your job without any training whatsoever then you have not got a real job, your job is for teenagers to supplement their allowance.

Picking up my burger and leaving it on my doorstep isn't a job, it's on the same level as being a paper boy, a literal child could do it.

It would do nothing and just make martires.
Thats the System that needs to be changed.

Because they have Stockholm syndrome after being bombarded with Capitalist propaganda since birth. Marxism would help their minds but the Capitalist class steers them away from it.

>no tip, no delivery
Uber eats...is NOT a fucking job

>Picking up my burger and leaving it on my doorstep isn't a job
that's literally still a job

fucking beggers

no, i wont tip. the delivery is a paid service, why the hell do you expect extra on top of it

and then what poo faggot? begin killing each other over the scraps? one group get a tad more of the scraps than the other now they're rich we kill them too and repeat until everyone starves? kill...and i mean it...


>calling someone a nigger
>is literally a doordash driver

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No delivery, no pay.

Why does he have so many piercings?

What are some of our natural, God-given rights that are currently being infringed upon?
-- The right to marry a young virgin who hasn't been fucked by 8 different guys.
-- The right to be head of household. The right not to get divorce raped by the Jewish legal system and its whores.
-- The right to own property and keep the fruit of your labor.
-- The right to raise and educate your children as you see fit.
-- The right to make health decisions (such as avoiding vaccination) for yourself and for your family, your children.
-- The right to self-defense and to keep and bear arms.
-- The right to a free economy based on sound money.
-- The right to keep degeneracy out of your community.

A white christian patriarchy that zealously defends its right to be separate and all its other rights, will succeed in the midst of Globohomo just as the muslims enclaves in Europe are able to impose sharia law in their areas.

If you mean Jews
Yes kill them all

Friendly reminder that if your business can only survive by keeping your workforce below the poverty line then your business probably doesn’t deserve to survive.

Says the guy from india who lives in a shithole

literal cattle

ouch that sucks

grocery stores here pay $20/hour union wages

This. 100% this. That fucker is not poor, he is just stupid with money, spending on worthless shit. If you give him more $$ he just spend it on funky pop or tranny porn on OF

Ok negative nancy, it's a job but it's a job for children.

If your daughter came home one day and presented you with this specimen before saying "dad, this is my boyfriend Tristan, he's a doordash man" you'd laugh in his fucking face.