Why is their love forbidden?

The government should stay out of hot gay romances.

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It's forbidden because most right wingers are closet homosexuals

gut worms and poop eating.

>It's forbidden because most right wingers are closet homosexuals

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its true and you know it

There’s nothing forbidden about a fetish that is protected by law and celebrated once for a whole month. You just get off on the thought.

I have no issue with homosexuality
homosexuality, and the ability to be ones self even if strange is a white value
99.9% homosexuals are deranged dangerous abuse victims
because of their abuse they rape kids
because of their abuse they spread disease
because of their abuse they do drugs
because of their abuse they are easily pandered to and manipulated by the jews
homosexuality isn't the problem homosexuals are. unfortunately I cant ignore the vast majority of dangerous subversive faggots in the off chance I might meet one of the few okay ones

gays lead to collapse of societies.
there was a reason the world over why every single culture disapproved of homosexuality.
They knew it just caused societies to disintegrate rapidly.
The gays who practice homosexuality are merely being used and will be first on the chopping back when shit starts falling apart.

>homosexuality, is a white value
thats pretty obvious Whitey

whites and the spreading of homosexuality go hand in hand.

>being civil and rational is a white value
thanks Moshe glad you admit it

Pick 1. Gay is neithet hot, nor romantic.
It's degenerate coombrain, nigger tier bullshit.
Kys, you ugly faggot.

tisn't a fetish - nice digits bro

i like how the Any Forumstard is a shitskin lmao

You'll have to suspend your hot gay romances until monkeypox subsides.

what like you?

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Way too white. He needs a strong and empowered black ma with a BBC who has 18 felony offenses and has raped and killed 3 random people and beheaded his last partner or he's rayyyyyyycist because he doesn't understand socioeconomic factors make black people extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely extremely violent for zero reason.

God says so. now kill yourself.


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in a few months one or both of them will be at a clinic getting antibiotics
and we're one step closed to super stds that are impossible to cure

based department?

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I just noticed you're from Sweden and your country isn't diverse enough. Do you want to take our black people. Europe is clearly morally superior to America, and you could be culturally enriched.

>Why is their love forbidden

By "love" the poofter means having sex with random strangers 4-5 times a week.