Is Romania really the best country for right wingers to move to? Is it really this based?

Is Romania really the best country for right wingers to move to? Is it really this based?

Attached: Romaniaisthebest.webm (406x720, 2.03M)


...only if you were born there

That's not really corrupt if police stops you from speeding and you give them money which they would ask for anyway

Don’t tell me you actually listen to retards like that

This dude looks like a beaver.

he's a genium schmenium
if you have money laws don't exist. Laws are only for the retarded mouthbreathers who can't afford fines, bribes, good lawyers and who aren't corruptionmaxxing

You give them a bribe which is less than the fine and it doesn't go on record or get your license suspended or whatever

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>Is Romania really the best country for right wingers to move to?
No, not until the Tomboy Occupied Government is established

Another shill thread on this mutt faggot



kys. herbed

i always find it amusing to see that people from countries that are normally considered to be filthy immigrants get upset about immigrants.

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>no immigrants and refugees
That's nice. But on the other hand the country is full of Romanians.

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I lived in Serbia for the same reason, and will move back soon enough. No feminists, no fatties, no immigrants, no tattoos, nightlife every single night of the week that isn’t trashy nigger shit.

Romania for Romanians
stop trying to flee, pussies

I've been in Romania on two occasions. A week in a city and another 10 days in some village. Romania is a poor, rural, post-comunist country with a shitload of hungarian speaking gypsies. You won't be able to live a full life there unless you speak/read romanian. It doesn't make any sense to go to any post-comunist country unless you are already rich.

Coverup. “Spill” something on your lap, something that could mask the scent. Be all jokey when they be jokey. They’ll be none the wiser..
Wait did you fucking piss your pants? Get a load of this guy

What a disgusting mutt degenerate.

he's our boy
our beautiful baby boy
well played op

>the face of right wing

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Gypsy shithole.

make him brown

Jaw is too defined. Tatejak should be based on one of the retard wojaks, not the chudjak.