So I did the maths (kek)...

So I did the maths (kek), and there are 30 family members and friends (including children down to 8) who I know personally are vaccinated with 2 (kids) or 3-4 shots. This little schizo says 70% of vaxxed are dead or dying in hospital (double kek). That would mean 21 of my friends and family are dying in hospital.
In reality, 0 are dying or dead. The only ones who are dead are the two (uncounted) who died from covid itself.
Explain yourselves poltards.

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you don't know anyone who died of covid. you may know two people who died after testing positive with a covid pcr test, but that doesn't mean anything.

you're a dumb faggot.

It’s more sinister and than you realize

>dead or dying in hospital
>getting sick
yeah seem like identical meanings to me

Nobody is dying from either covid or the vaxx, it's all a psyop to make people infight.

If they're not dead yet, they will be soon.

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Oh right. Does that mean it’s a worldwide conspiracy with every government doctor nurse and dead person is in on it, but you happen to know the secret?

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>Some random memeflaggot that probably isn't even human pulled a number out of his ass so I made a thread about it

they'll all be dead in 10-40 years

It is designed to kill in 3-5 years. If it killed too quickly the sheep wouldn't take it.

lots of people bribed their doctors to sign their cards you don't know if they actually got vax'd


OP is a buttmad shill that got triggered by a bot. What a place this board has become since the 2016 election.

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>two who died from covid itself
Were they vaxxed?

I don't know anyone in my friends and family are vaxxed, I don't know anyone who caught covid. One person thought they had it but then the second test said it was a false sign. Other people I know who got vaxxed have all died from 'unrelated' conditions. Anecdotal, I don't care so is yours.

Japan and india found graphene.

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I'ma be real pointing to every random celebrity death and saying "it must be the vaccine" is really dumb
Especially since you can point to random celebrity deaths before the vaccine and just say it was due to something else
We need stats and figures, not "today someone died" which is something I've looked at for the last 4 or so years as life expectencies have crumbled

>the law of averages must play out in my personal experience for it to be true

nigger u dumb af

>The only ones who are dead
Your cope should be fatal.