Who's fault is this?

Who's fault is this?

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Maybe he should have tried not being poor?

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Should've took his piercings to the pawn shop

The faggot probably made the video hoping it would "go viral" and others would start some charity for him

Being an UberEats driver is not a real fucking job. Being an Uber employee is a way to make some EXTRA money, not a way to make a living.


It's his responsibility to make sure he's not getting scammed when he signs up for a job. The employer is supposed to pay his employee, not the fucking customer.
kys bot thread memeflag

look at that soft look on his faggot face wtf

>bull nose ring
>works for Uber eats

You don't even make that much, over 50% of your "income," from Uber is just value you're extracting from your car parts.

Get rid of those piercings and get a real job

either he's taking his wife's some other dude's last name. either way, he's a faggot that should get a real fucking job

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He should pay people to bring them food that would be the real business idea here

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The guy with the nose ring's fault

He is working multiple jobs, asshole

Typical albino nord

Yep. You're not making money with Uber. You're just selling your car slowly, in increments.

He looks like he eats some of the food he's supposed to deliver.

>uber eats
imagine inviting niggers to your home lol

I'm at the point that this sort of chattel should be put into forced labor if it insists that working is so SO hard. Let's make better use of your body. You do shit work, so expect to be treated like shit. Because you are shit. A good couple of years of whipping and you'll work your ass off, die young, and spare the rest of us your complaining.

with this recession i hope the gig economy shit falls through thus shit is cringe and embarrassing for everyone who engages with it

stop fucking up my order

>Who's fault
Whose fault

It's the Democrat Party's fault. All economic pain suffered by bottom rung workers is caused by the Democrats.

Somebody should rip that thing out of (((his))) face.
That gay ass piercing is only popular with girls.
That's a fucking tranny!

Whose the boss?

shut up and go back to the restaurant to get the sprite they forgot

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i make 200 bucks on a slow day working uber eats

Uber's. They are raping their drivers and will most likely not be around much longer. In a recession Uber-style businesses will be some of the first to go.

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Uber eats & doordash is not multiple jobs

Oh its not going anywhere buckaroo. You have no idea the depths of humanity. The gov will bail these companies out next time around and they will be a permanent class of jobaroos. Welcome to hell



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>Who's fault is this?
your fault

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Has tried not living in the cities?

>didn't say "should of"

Latest tactics, spam year old+ stale threads.

So you live in the middle of a negroid city?

not my problem

Wow that's almost like working 4 hours at a normal job only with bonus humiliation of delivery food as an adult.

how about getting a real job instead of wasting your time as meme taxi

behold, the cumskin americunt master race
my brown ass is 100x wealthier than his pale pussy ass bitch

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Whose, retard

I'm literally poor and I have no job and I could survive comfortably working self employed occasionally for 100 dollars a day homeless. I have a tent and a sleeping bag and a bow and I am absolutely certain that I am capable of surviving. 100 dollars a day would provide me with enough MRE's for half a month so I could do that.
I would literally be super hobo if not for my dad still being alive. I have planned this out for years now.

get educated so you don't need to work multiple shit, poorly paid jobs to survive. Unskilled peasants deserve to wither away.

Is he '''''anti-racist'''''' (anti-white)?
Does he support immigration?
Does he support gender ''''equality''''?
Does he suppose globalism?

The answer to all of the above is almost certainly yes. In which case it's his own fault.


kill yourself commie rat

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Get another job

If you picked up a wrench at even the most basic level you wouldn’t have to worry about that

Get a better job, Amazon or Walmart literally pays more

rappi is better paid, is his fault.

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He works hard. Have some empathy, asshole.

>if you stabbed your toe it was commies' fault!
I pity americans.

I never tip my ubereats nigger

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I made $45 yesterday picking up one order two blocks from my house and delivering it to someone 2 streets over.
