Steven Anderson is a snake and a false teacher

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And whats his position on when paul was saved?

Why are Abrahamics so fucking neurotic?
They will literally murder each other over the exact time the magic bread becomes Jesus' body.
Who the hell cares?

Yes, he is. I watched a video of him where he told his congregation that they could do whatever they want, including murder, because "once saved, always saved".

Same. Please answer, OP.

That's so based

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Why are you spamming this tread everyday?

are you a trannie or a Jew or both?

Yeah, no.
Fucking heretics.

>20 years of preaching
>you have no idea what he believes

you are clearly retarded

once saved, always saved is a biblical fact, just read the Bible

you will never loose your salvation if you commit murder but God will punish you for it

>once saved, always saved is a biblical fact
Nope. Literally no one believed this before the Reformation. Nobody. Not a single church father interprets scripture in that manner. It was never taught and never believed by a single human person before Luther. It is very stupid to think that the bible was first successfully interpreted by barely literate bourgeois protestants 16 centuries after Christ, and you should feel bad for thinking something so obviously retarded is correct.

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I don't watch the guy on the regular. Have only seen a couple of sermons.

Wrong. Keep trying to detract from Anderson, sodomite

Bullshit. Read the bible again, and learn a bit about church history and theology.
"Once saved always saved" is a heresy formulated in The US in the 20th century by Billy Graham.

Why are you supporting Anderson after you made a thread calling him a snake?

Keep distracting from the topic, sodomite.

and YWNBAW, faggot.
Now fun along and suck Anderson's penis, and take your shitty thread with you.

I don't even know who this costco board short wearing faggot really is, memeflaggot, because I don't go to church on the TV. What is your issue with the guy, aside from the terrible theology?

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>incoherent sodomite babble

itsa,,,newpoint,,Steve isway beyond me,
,,,fortunetly, ive met Jesus.

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The catholic church is not christianity and they persecuted all kinds of real christians that we dont know exacty about because the Catholics wrote history, there were at least the anabaptists that there are record about. The reformation just split the heretics forming more heretics, these big historical churches are all a bunch of unsaved faggots.

John 10:28
“And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.”

You retards that study theology and read other books instead of the Bible itself know nothing and are full of pride, you are going to hell my friend.