Disney Officially Will Change The Sexual Orientation of Obi

It’s Wokeness using The Force. Twitter cheers this decision. Will this change cause a further division among fans and culture?

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Had to turn my back on all that nonsense once Disney bought the IP. Was like losing an old friend.

There are only 3 star wars movies. That's what being a fan means.

>All Jedi do gay stuff, Luke. Relax and feel the Force...

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Lucas can still buy it back

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A quick google tells me this isn't real

what does his sexuality add to the story? why does it matter?

Obi-Wan taking dicks up the ass adds a lot to the story. It helps explain why the Rebels are such gaymos.

Holy fucking cringe

1 guy 1 jar jar

Jedi are supposed to be sexless monks. This is retardation.

Up next
>Obi-wan gets monkey pox from darth's vader

Don't worry most people understood he was a pedo from that last series

It's transparent as day how they are using the youth as a weapon
Even the plot of this shitty 'official' plot by some roastie its obvious
The way they talk about
>teenagers with their own relationship to the established thing/canon/world consistency
Every franchise is forced into this malicious agenda driven planned takedown of civilization, nowhere is safe because comfort is toxic

Then why the fuck was Anakin allowed to marry and have children?

Yep. Fake and gay.

so obi-wan groomer? what did he do to anakin? is that why he turned?

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>You were my brother, Anakin! I loved you!
Yeah, I bet.

He was cheating piece of shit. Not different from priest breaking their bows, but worse, he was crazy powers.

>Disney Officially Will Change The Sexual Orientation of Obi

Get Woke, Go Broke

2 more weeks

why dont they get it over with and show him lightsabering his dick and balls off, growing a new tranny vag in the bacta tank.

nah, the worse 3 were also alright
aswell as games
but what disney did is fucking blasphemy
jews should be exterminated for this alone not to mention rest of the crimes

I always assumed he was an old predatory faggot. That's why he liked Luke so much.

pretty sure the Mos Eisley Cantina is a gay bar

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What kind of sex does yoda like? They should release a yoda porn. Why is literally everyone's pronouns match their cis genders?

>What kind of sex does yoda like?
ask a wookie
if you know i mean

His nigress wife just had to convince him to leave his passion project behind...
All she had to do was deal with his perfectionist abd obtuse personality like the last wife did before divorcing.

>(((Kiersten White)))
>Potentially gay Obi
>Unsupervised young teens

Not very subtle