Should i buy a PlayStation 5 or xbox?

should i buy a PlayStation 5 or xbox?

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PC. I got 3 monitors, boyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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Get a 3000 series GPU and be done with it.

Xbox has no games, ps5 has a few good titles but not really worth the price tag.I'd just get a pc as most console games are multiplats.

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>Halo: Infinite
>Sea of Thieves
>"Dur xxob has no gams"

Also how is this political?

PS5 is the way to go now that they have upgraded the ps plus to be on par with Gamepass. The dualsense is the GOAT controller as well

Buy a sports watch and go outside.

Crypto niggers made PC gaming unaffordable

Get back to work goyim

PC Master Race

Buy some kettlebells.

All the shitcoins crashed, go on Amazon or Newegg, a 3060 is around $500 now

buy a atari 2600

Go retro man. No updates, no patches, hundreds of games. PSX 1, SNES, NES, Genesi!

consoles are for subhumans, pc is the master race.
I have built myself a gaming pc, with 2080ti gpu

>halo shitfinite
>sea of no content
I'll stick with the MCC for halo until they actually make something worth a damn.

Build a PC and get an Xbox game pass for like $0.5/mo from g2a or eneba.

get a gameboy pocket

Get your first switch yet (the expensive one) then get your second switch ( the portable-only). THEN you buy a low quality PC (ps5 /Xbox)
