/MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #121

19,544 cases in 77 countries

>Monkeypox info and charts

>NTI Bio - 2021 Monkeypox Tabletop Exercise Conducted in Partnership with the Munich Security Conference

>Wikipedia page (most current case count):

>Regularly updated Twitter feed

>Massive database of news articles all relating to Monkeypox outbreak daily

>Charts and Statistics

>Monkeypox chart

>Genomic epidemiology of monkeypox virus

>Bioweapon research study: pneumonia + monkeypox = 50% fatality rate

>In February 2022, Virologica Sinica published a gain of function performed by the Wuhan Institute of Virology in August 2021 - Experimenting with Monkeypox

>US government orders $119 million dollars worth (13 million doses) of Monkeypox vaccine before the May 2022 outbreak began

>CDC websites says - Currently, there is no proven, safe treatment for monkeypox virus infection.

>SIGA Technologies gets UK approval for monkeypox drug

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Damn I wonder if the people with the fetish for pozzing others are going to self isolate and sanitize themselves if they get this pox haha. Guess the nigger cattle are going to find out personally what being part of that fetish is like

Step 1
>release weak bioweapon
>exaggerate measures for years and fear monger majority of population to take immune compromising injections
>dust settles, people realize covid-19 wasn't that bad, get tired of it all
Step 2
>release strong bioweapon
>ultra sheep get live virus smallpox vaccine, and die because of compromised immune system
>people aware of covid scam won't take the second bioweapon seriously, be careless, get infected and ill. opposition is now weak

(spoiler to picrel: it can't be prevented)

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>ultra sheep get live virus smallpox vaccine

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2 month old info but still valuable -

A UK health worker caring for a monkeypox patient developed a skin rash 18 days later in the first case of hospital transmission of the infection outside of Africa.
Contrary to the classic description of monkeypox, the rash appeared without the health worker having had a fever, headache, or muscle aches in the preceding days. She also did not have swollen glands at any time, which is considered another classic symptom of the disease. She had 32 pustules on her face, trunk, hands and labia majora of the vulva. The one that made her suffer the most was one that grew under her thumbnail and broke the nail.
The health worker had received the Imvanex smallpox vaccine six days after caring for the monkeypox patient, who had just returned from Nigeria, but the vaccine did not protect her. She received the antiviral drug brincidofovir, but it was toxic to her liver and the doctors decided to stop the treatment. What is most surprising about her case is that although the rash lasted for two weeks, she still had detectable virus DNA in her blood 30 days after the onset of symptoms and in her upper respiratory tract up to day 41.
“In previous cases and outbreaks of monkeypox, patients have been considered infectious until all skin lesions have crusted over,” write researchers from the UK National Health Service (NHS) in The Lancet Infectious journal. Diseases, where they present the case today. The finding that some patients continue to have detectable virus DNA when skin wounds have healed suggests that they may be contagious after symptoms end.

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>People infected with monkeypox can spread the virus to others through the air when they cough, sneeze, or talk.

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SIGA trans sisters show your self

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Wow looks like that 20,000 case number hitting this week will be real like anons pointed out in other threads.

I wonder if that will be enough for lockdowns or not?

Got an archive of that?
Also does anybody know what off-the-shelf drugs may be used to treat monkeypox? I'm hoping to stock up early and price gouge like crazy.

$7 billion will be used to (((respond))) to monkeypox soon. Kek, as if that will be enough


Death to all faggots.

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Gimme a QRD on monkepox
>How does it spread.
>How dangerous is it.
>Survival rate.
>Does it leave permanent damage?
>Can the body beat it and what percentage of infected does?
Fuck you in advance.

Stink check this literal two AM shitpost

Death to nonces
Death to faggots
Death to poofters

>Got an archive of that?
I don't, sorry
Regarding OTC drugs to treat monkeypox

On track

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>How does it spread.
Skin to skin contact, droplets/aerosols, fomites, bodily fluids
>How dangerous is it.
Reported historic fatality rate of 3-10% depending on the strain. However, bear in mind the current strain shows signs of "accelerated evolution" (GOF bioweapon). And a bioweapons study found there's a 50% fatality rate for concurrent pneumonia + monkeypox, see OP for link
>Survival rate.
50%-97% depending on factors above
>Does it leave permanent damage?
>Can the body beat it and what percentage of infected does?
Natural remission seems likely, except for the very young, very old, or immunocompromised (jabbies)

The vaccines will do additional harm no doubt

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SIGA sisters were gonna be ao fucking rich

I know it's greed and I'm good with my bag, but I wish I would have bought more

>Disease spread easily through sexual contact
>Most victims so far have been fags and children but not women


Lockdowns after Xmas spending is done. After their last cash injection. They can kick the can until then regardless of the piling evidence of market corruption.

>>Does it leave permanent damage?
What kind of damage are we talking about here? Scars from blisters? Vital organ or brain damage? Sensory organs?

How much siga would one buy to make it?
Why didn’t Moderna moon? Phizer?

Same bro ive got 1500 and 9 calls but wish i had more fuck. Already gonna be making bank anyways

You're a faggot if you wouldn't accept this monkeys pox. She brings coom & unemployment gibs, ensuring The Biden becomes the next God Emperoror

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Faggot disease, faggot OP, faggot thread.

Didn't we do this two years ago already? Boooooring

I don't have all the answers. I think it's mostly superficial scarring. But some people who acquire pox through butt sex get lesions inside their ass, they claim it's excruciating and it takes them 2+ hours to recover from bowel movements.
I imagine there'd be severe complications if pox lesions were to form in the lungs, but idk if that's possible

Lungs and liver besides the skin damage (scar tissue is extra cancerous). Blindness if your eyes get infected. Africans die because they don't practice cleaniness (not changing clothing/bedding, washing, picking the boils, rubbing the pox juice everywhere). Isolation is also important since the immune system gets weakened + open sores means bacteria/viruses have easy access

Nigger cattle are so funny. Gonna call you a fag when you get gaypoxxed