What happened to vaxxpass and social credit system?

In Sweden we had vaxxpass requirements for maybe a few months before it went away. I remember Switzerland or Austria going crazy about issuing fines and jailing unvaxed, but then it got quiet instantly.

What's the status in those countries that went most crazy? Any talk about it returning?

Attached: time for boosters.jpg (853x1208, 194.07K)

The numbers of fully vaxxed were always exaggerated to pressure people into taking it. They didn’t and it was no longer a smart idea economically to keep pushing it. In other words they eventually concluded they couldn’t ban or arrest us all.

ugly nigger. Solid 0/10

Attached: HeightMog.png (1024x844, 1.05M)

God you're autistic
>nooo you can't just like big tiddies and striking features
>you have to like this lumpy, featureless dyke

yes. Anything but featureless, or a dyke

I think they are both disgusting

Bro I can’t leave this prison of a country without a vaxx pass. It’ll be back in the w time.

the few places here that tried it lost 90% of business and had their staff beaten by niggers
once the business with the most coveted property closed, it was lifted

only that negro

We had the pass basically for everything but only for 3 months, then they removed it.

Now there are no restrictions anymore and only full retards are still using masks

>Sorry your government crypto card won't work if you don't swipe your vaxxx card

infrastructure couldn't handle it domestically let alone internationally

i see it all the time in security, and thats what this is.
New policy put in place. It's intrusive, people won't like it, what do we do?
Tell them to deal with it.
We tell them to deal with it
They complain
Policy inconveniences everyone from bottom to top.
Policy is just quietly forgotten or authoritatively reversed in a week (not 2).

It'll be back this winter in a new improved formula

its a social engineering fail. say 10% of the population, mostly young and aggressive types, don't vaxx. you only need about 5-10% to hard protest & revolt to kick start a full blown civil war event. the other 40% sympathy no refund vaxx regretters join them soon after.
When govts figured out the pressure coming from big pharma and WHO wasn't worth the the sovereign risk and home security flare up they dropped it. also factor in stagflation and other problems and its extremely problematic

because they quickly realized that your precious "minorities" would be the ones suffering the brunt of fines and jailing, that's it bro.
These people just hate you

General non-compliance killed it here I think. In Boston, it lasted for one month and a day. Plus, the unintended consequence was that the people who were going out to eat and drink at bars largely didn’t give a fuck about covid or the vaxx in the first place, and prohibiting them caused restaurant reservations to drop by like 40% (if I remember correctly).

Plus, no wagie gets paid enough to check the cards, and the blacks here really didn’t get the vax. We all know what that means

are we 100 percent done with covid or is this stuff going to start up again in the winter?

Attached: sayuri-sayuri-mattar.gif (220x124, 404.91K)

made for BWC

Government jobs are still being anal about it near me. Full on "President of Madagascar" tier.

>A man in the city has coughed
They're still seething that they can't do shit about religious exemptions beyond hope that the people don't call their bluff.

the 1% have doubled down too hard to let this fade away. the entire thing is a shift in the power paradigm. millenials v boomers, science and logic vs control and fascism. etc


the weirdest slide thread of the day



Data mining

JIDF VPN Psyop Identified

They are collecting your posts to analyse /pol's power levels and plan online counter measures

Data mining

So lets see if OP joins the conversation. I doubt it

>proposal of vaxxmandate
>ideas go full autist we will put you in chains and take all your money away
>law is only about fines
>government fears that people will clog system because they won't pay fines and put fines on taking legal measurements against the fine
>law will get effective in the future about 1 or 2 month after it was passed
>media goes full autist how can we harm unvaxxed n shit
>politicans are getting death threats
>they are creating a commission that recommends if mandates gets active or stays dormant
>deadline is over mandate should become effective but commission gives recommendation for it to stay dormant
>effects of omicron show and government sees that their party is going down the shitter in local votes
>vaxx mandates dropped
Today they dropped quarantaine. They try damage control mode in respect to the coof but they go full suicide regarding gas

This guy has it right.