UPDATE: Humble Parking Lot Shindig

>Police Bodycam Video

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Who cares. He probably had a good reason for doing what he did. Police have a tough job, putting their lives on the line every day for pennies.

>Who cares

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pretty sure the suspect was firing a gun in the air prior to contact

>pretty sure the suspect was firing a gun in the air prior to contact
prior to what contact, with the bikers or with the officer?

fuck you faggot OP

also, the youtube comment section is really homosexual for some reason, sad really...


you're a faggot

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>blue nigger beats a black nigger
is there a reason anyone should care?

it's shills, just like here:

>am i under arrest
>im gonna go ahead and detain you
>am i under arrest
>settle down!
>knocked to the ground
>settle the fuck down
>im just asking if im under arrest
>i just told you to turn around and put your hands behind your head
>(victim on ground) turn around and put your hands behind your back or im going to kick the shit out of you
how on earth does anyone ever side with cops?

another shill
another shill
another shill
another shill

Even small-time police departments can afford pajeets now.

nigger faggot you got btfo

silence shill

you're a nigger shilling for niggers

protip: when a cop asks you to do something, do it, immediately.

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note the shill's vocabulary.

Fuin fact: Cop would have never sucker punched him if the suspect was a Nigger because he knows the media would spin it. With whites you're free to clock them knowing your job will be intact.

or what, pig?
Name, Department and Badge number:

cops literally recall their training in terms of checking boxes for liability and legal purposes only, everything else is just ad libed state sponsored thuggery. at any point during an encounter cops will pepper things like "get your hands up" or "hands behind your back" or "settle down" in the most random, and non sensical places without any regard for what they are saying or what is actually happening. that way when someone reviews video they can say they used all their training and then we excuse their illogic by saying situations are fluid and split second decision making memes.

>protip: when a cop asks you to do something, do it, immediately.
even if he orders you to suck his dick?

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>>blue nigger beats a black nigger
the guy the cop hit isn't black though
the niggers were the bikers that attacked the guy the cop hit
the guy shot at the niggers for beating him up
then the guy called the police and told them what happened and put his gun in the car and sat away from it
like did you even look at anything?
are you just a bot?

I didn't look at the video at all since all american police foolishness is tiresome, it's always some powerdrunk niggers beating on white niggers

That's clearly abuse, official oppression, battery, and a civil rights violation. He asked a question about arrest and the cop punched him. Hopefully he sues the police for millions and wins. If I was on a jury he'd own the police department.