Friend called me a hardar (hard r) today. Thanks Any Forums you made my friend a racist...

Friend called me a hardar (hard r) today. Thanks Any Forums you made my friend a racist. He told me he just comes to this site for the memes. There’s no memes here though only hate

Attached: 0F891254-3A1D-4C13-BC48-8CC77596117F.gif (640x360, 70.81K)

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There's at least one meme now that you're here, because you're a fucking joke.

>hard r
How does calling you a retard mean your friend is racist?

>Thanks Any Forums you made my friend a racist
your welcome

>be you
>no memes

...the true lamentation of the FAGGAR.

That's with a hard "r" as well.

Maybe its time to look back on yourself because your friend calls you out for being a knuckle dragging nigger?

Hardar stole my bike
Hardars tongue my anus

Maybe take off the timbs and he won't call you a jogger

Based OP confirmed niggerfaggot

Leafbro with the bantz fucking kek

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But you ARE a nigger though?

new slur dropped

Fuck this site

Okay, Retard

That's fucked up, but would you honestly have felt better if he softened it up and called you a weetod?

Attached: harpo.jpg (400x322, 19.82K)

>He doesnt call his friends niggers all the time and they call me a coon/nig nog/nigger right back
lmao go back to facebook nigger. normies are not welcome here.

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Okay nigger.

This. OP probably doesn't even have friends, xir's just posting here to practice demonstrative outrage over a fucking word.

would you prefer a soft r?

can't pronounce XIR without a rhotic bent
captcha: RRRRRR