I saved Europe!!

I saved Europe!!

Attached: europe.png (2500x1761, 3.53M)

You forgot to delete England, Poland and Serbia.

>G*rmany still exists

Why is roachland in color ?

>south italy still exists

>Ir*land still exists

Because they have a foothold west of the Bosporus.

disconnect turkey and morocco too

>England, Poland and Serbia.
Supreme Leader, why?

Why did you destroy our mountains o great Lithuanian?

I am sorry Georgia. It is the only way to save us all from the Russians.
But you can take a boat to the Caspian sea now, which is a good fair trade.

Nice, the Russian canal system needed a capacity upgrade

That means that there is no need for a Azer-Geo-Turkish pipeline now.
Our economy has committed suicide.

england is nice, just delete london

>saved Europe
>UK is still there


You sound like you could use a little decommunisation you little fatty prick

Dzhugashvili my friend we will find another way.
More export of your good wine + EU membership + free money.

Attached: images.png (267x189, 5.5K)

I have much better version

Attached: ratatatata.jpg (2500x1761, 2.19M)

Why flood Konigsberg? Deport vatnik and divide it between Lithuania and Poland. The land is still good after you demolish the rotting orc huts. Same for finns and Karelia/Kola.

Attached: 1658851762282257.jpg (1024x692, 398.96K)

>partitions Poland yet again
What is it with you Russians?

Delete Israel,usa and england and you may just have saved the world

I'm deeply disturbed that you just called me a son of a Jew.
But yeah I don't mind exporting our wonderful wine and lemonade

Attached: Lemonade.jpg (1200x800, 83.67K)

Why Serbia?

your flag is hideous

Why did Georgia disappear on your map?