Reminder that Aldmeri Dominoin is right

Aldmeri dominon is literally the German Empire of WW1.
>supremacists (German)
>win against the Empire and cuck them with a treaty (Brest-Litvosk
>Set Ulfric Stormcloak aloose who otherwise be an enemy (communist Lenin)
The Empire is corrupt, cucked and globohomo. There is no reason to support it.

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Never trust an elf
The only thing worse than a darkie elf is one of them scalebacks, simple as

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Well yeah, but they also tell people to shut the fuck up about Talos.

>still caring about this shit
Go play some Elden Ring and wash over that trash taste.

Only zoomers think nords are based. They were always Tamriel's niggers.

thalmor = kikes
imperials = globohomo (USA, NATO)
stormcloaks = nationalists

Here's simple terminology to communicate among the left and bypass censorship.
Northern/Eastern Europeans
>Dark Elves
Mexicans/South Americans because of their fire resistance and prejudice towards other races. They also used to worship sun and fire gods, and made sacrifices. Sometimes allies with whites.
>Wood Elves
Pajeets because of their tendency to get conquered and stomped on by other races. But can be based since they usually fight back. Sometimes allies with whites.
Muslims/Arabs. They hate the Thalmor with a passion, and fight them constantly. They usually don't ally with whites, but their beliefs are similar, ie, they hate faggots, feminism, and Jews.
Orientals of any race due to their nature to eat strange meats, and they all look the same. They're cunning which makes people believe they're smart, but their building structures and weaponry say otherwise.
Drug dealers/gypsies of any race
>Snow Elves
"Native" Americans due to them complaining about being genocided in their homeland despite waging war with everybody and attacking settlements. Only a small population left.
Our future leader
>Tullius (singular)
Any pozzed military General
The West
>Vigilants of Stendarr
Civic nationalists
>Dark brotherhood
>Black Briars
Deep state
>Thieves Guild
Criminals of any race
>College of Winterhold
Free Masons/Satanists
Any based white person or military veteran

>The Empire is corrupt, cucked and globohomo. There is no reason to support it.

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You are half right.
There is a not a single reason to support the current empire.
Nords gave always been the cure for mer in TES.

Why Any Forums always support loosers?

t. lorelet

There is no absolute truth, right or wrong. Stop thinking in christcuck morality frame. Then cat catches mouse it's bad for mouse but good for cat. Of course they are doing the right thing from their point of view. As well as Jews do, for example. But they are doing evil from nords point of view. As well as Jews do evil things from our point of view

Where do the high elves fall in here?

>Jews are good
Ever wondered why there are self hating kike rats?

God bless those virgin Japs. Skyrim belongs to the Nords!

The Loli mod + the slutty bunny suit = peak kino and constant erection

tesg and modders are a blight.

Your clearly didn't get my point, you low IQ gook abomination

There are self hating kikes who are disgusted by their kins' actions.
You dumbass gorilla nigger.

>Where do the high elves fall
They're Jews. Thalmor are the elite Jewish cabal.

Ahh, so this is why Ulric Stormcloak, the Any Forumss naziboos hero was a literal agent of the Thalmor/Jews.
Makes sense.
After all, thanks to meme Shitler jews got a country and all that power.

Another lorelet. Try playing another TES game ffs.

>He didn't side with the Empire but still stealth kill every single Aldmeri possible with your Deeja wife just to ensure the Empire is as strong as possible and the Dominion is as weak as possible for their eventual next conflict

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Typical Russian demonstrates that he hates God
There is objective morality, our God sent us his only begotten son who is logos incarnate Christ Jesus our Lord and God