Why aren't you member of Asatru Folk Assembly, white man?

Why aren't you member of Asatru Folk Assembly, white man?

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It’s basically white Hinduism

Never heard of it.

because it's a waste of time, I would sooner believe Scientology (at least the metaphysics are cool)

They prefer stuffing instead of potatoes.

Because I'm an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction made up 9000 years ago. In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence. That being said, I am open to any and all criticism.

>>In 2018, the Southern Poverty Law Center added the Asatru Folk Assembly to its list of hate groups, describing it as a "neo-Völkisch hate group"

And I prefer to worship kikes and kikes on a stick. I'm a good goy!

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Because it doesn't have much to offer. It should have built ontop of Christianities foundations, especially in art and architecture but instead stifles itself with politics.

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Stupid. Take the autist pill and understand that religion is merely the systematizing of a group's socio-ontological state. There is great power here.

That's just White people art. White people can just make new art without the jewish baggage.

That is my point. Instead of making improvements on art, architecture and expanding their philosophy they basically just stick with really archaic folk traditions that may not even be right. For fucks sake, they could have adopted ancestor worship/veneration like the Catholics/Orthodox church and made their hymns in high German/old English

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Exactly! We must worship the JEWISH GOD and proclaim our goyish inferiority. We are dumb cattle to our PERFECT JEWISH MASTERS!!!! they know what's best for us poor retarded goyim.
Wrong!!!! The kike that was God but not God but his son and then a ghost or something about us doing sins and a stuff means that WE LOVE THE JEWS!

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That...isn't my point at all.

>praying to roastie who whore herself to midgets

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Great power to exploit maybe, not something to believe in yourself. Haven't you learned anything from Tony Montana?

Because I'm not a fatt mutt larping as a viking

A lot of what we look at today as "Christian" art was heavily influenced by classical Pagan (Romanesque) art. The Catholics kept pagan beliefs (ancestor worship, sun worship, yuletide etc) in order to be more palatable to the Pagans and say "See we're not so alien". That is why we need to worship the JEWS because they are so clever and conniving in making the goyim bend to their will. All hail the nailed god and his braindead worshippers!

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Believe me, I know

There are examples of this in games like Sacred, it looks like medieval but pagan

In this house we worship Jupiter Optimus Maximus like TRVE ROMANS

I don't know what you are talking about. To the point of exploitation though, one cannot exploit anything of which they are not a part. Apartheid/exclusion must be strictly practiced in the future.