Fact Check: Kids' Heart Attacks NOT Caused by Vaccines

Sometimes children get heart attacks too. It has literally nothing to do with vaccines you schizos.

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Yes they are generally caused by poor nutrition and obesity. It's not just cardiovascular diseases either. Eat bran and take a walk.

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>Kid is skin and bones
Case in point

>heart attacks
You are like little baby (that has heart attack)

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it couldn't be so based to nuke breeders like that
no way

>Mini heart attack
Kek no such thing

i just ate three carrots

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Ok and? Why are you showing tonus if no one is vaxxed here go show it to the normies. Or do you just do this for dopamine through approval?

> has not been linked to
Turns out the sun can't be linked to heat unless some paid reseatcher publishes a paper on it. Suck shit, jabbies.

Young people have been dying from mystery heart attacks for years now. It long predates COVID. Maybe it's the space lasers.

Maybe its the american diet of jew box

When they say that, its because they haven't studied it. And guess what? If they choose to never fund a study for it, there will never be evidence.

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>No evidence in this case means they don't know
There's going to be a lot of heart broken kids in 2 weeks.

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There is evidence that it isn't covid. Maybe it's global warming?

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>previously rare
What a horrific statement

> Cutie heart attack


I remember when I was in 4th grade in 1975. Kids dropped dead from heart attacks all the time. This isn't new.

>has not been linked

yeah, because they will never ever do a peer reviewed study to 'find' if that is true. This is a word game they play and dumb retards fall for it every single time.

my 3 year old daughter in 1963 came up to me and said 'mommy, why did sally get a heart attack'. i dont even know who this kid is but clearly i remember it so it must have happened.

>don't report the evidence
>"See there's no evidence"

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Solar and geomagnetic storms do cause heart issues.

So that means it does, kek.

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I know, right? Kids just fucking keeled over all the time. It was a common thing.

Kek you expect me to believe you're a 77+ year old woman? Post tits or GTFO

holy shit the mental gymnastics are astounding

That's a relief

Rare side effects with between 0% and 4% efficacy.

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I personally don't recall hearing about COVID causing heart issues or blood clots until it was claimed that the vax did, then magically the virus itself was "worse" than the vax for this. Normies insist they heard of COVID causing heart problems/bloodclots going way back before the vax. My question then --- why in the first wave did all of the deaths occur in hospitals? If heart and bloodclot issues happened with COVID from the outset, then thousands of dead bodies should have been discovered each time any lockdown ended.