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why the fuck are they pushing this shit so hard?

I didn't know cockroaches had tits

>scientists say


OP confirmed expert at milking cock

>X say...

Stopped reading there

>another fake Any Forums article used to generate anger
this board SUCKS lol

How do they lactate without mammary glands?

You are all retarded

Its called progress

you are what you eat, bugman

They all have on the internet.

...I've seen terrible things, Lawrence. Terrible things.

Ehh...how they planning to milk them?

Yes, I’ll just milk this co-
Aaaaaand it’s full of poop.

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So what kind of new disease are they going to create by tricking idiots into eating/drinking weird shit? Bat soup lockdowns was not fun. I don't want cockroach milk lockdowns.

They don't, it is only the male cockroach that produces cockroach "milk"




more canaanite lies

We're going to need much bigger roaches

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stroke the penis until milk comes out.

>facts by guff
hello retard OP

actually goes backwards
nice inversion, kike

turk milk?

I thought they said we shouldn't be drinking milk at all, because of racism. They need to make up their minds.



Are we sure we're not in the book or the movie?

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THE science says that you VIL eat bugs and you VIL drink cockroach milk. Don't like it ? Too bad. Because you VIL starve and there aint shit you can do about it... is what the science says

'Scientists' said if you got vaxxed you wouldn't get covid. They're wrong about basically anything that's also heavily pushed by the media because it's not science talking, it's money talking.

Cow milk = Bad. Bug "milk" = Good

Well I'm lack toast and tall of rent (lactose intolerant for you real people) so I don't want any milk ever.

Gymbros will probably be the first to introduce this "supermilk", then the whole population VIL DRINK IT. Don't worry.

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Retard Faggot, You clearly didn't read the articles You sent, shoot yourself.

Kikes invested into roaches.

They want to erase agriculture

Oh so it's cockroach cum. Is this a fucking fetish?

"Milk" is just ground up bug and some water. PR figured calling it milk instead of roach puree would make it sell.

"The more schizo a conspiracy theory, the more it approximates a comic book story."

-- user

Schizos will tell you it's something to do with a new world order and population controls but since insects aren't actually bad for you my guess is some high up jew bought a lot of insect real estate and shills it through his media companies.

I enthusiastically support feeding Klaus Schwab to cockroaches.

Great Reset agenda shifting into higher gear

i'm upset by the lack of worms. the african nigger diet which inspired this also has worms in the menu. we must update the recipes.
(or maybe we shouldn't? wouldn't it be cultural appropriation?)

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(((They))) love to humiliate goyim

Keep your space cult food and shove it where the sun doesn’t shine

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why not just stick with human milk im sure there are women out there that would gladly get milked for money

It's not even that... we will not drink the cockroach cum

>but since insects aren't actually bad for you
fuck off kike

only male creates this "milk"

you know what it is right ?

Relax bro, we've all been there. It is hard to process the fact, that you were brainwashed in all your life.

Take it this way: You fell for the safespace propaganda, they made you believe that everything is black and white, every decision is easy, everything is what it seems. But that's okay. Just accept that not everything fits in your nice and clean time table.

There’s literally no way cockroach (((milk))) is more nutritious than grass-fed, humanely raised cow’s milk. Cow’s milk is full of fat soluble vitamins including K2, which they convert from the K1 they receive by eating grass. Cockroaches eat fucking trash.

it is very nutritionous.

>since insects aren't actually bad for
Wrongm they are really bad for you when you consume large amounts of chitin. Prepare for an lifetime of diarreha, if you want to live from bugs.

>she said
Women need to be put in captivity until the end of time after this civilization collapses

What the FUCK is "nutritious" supposed to mean

Also polschizos: Nooooo!!! We can't just find heckin new nutrition sources to feed all these extra people!!!

Jews want to laugh at dumb goyen drinking cockroach milk


i knew before i clicked the video, that the speaker will be a female kike. Oh vay. Death to jews

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They can create massive vertical bug farms that takes up only a tiny fraction of the space, so they fit inside the mega smart cities they plan on putting us in. Then all that freed up land can go to them.

1.Push for industrial scale insect breeding
2.make illegal and punishable by death other kinds of meal

We don't need "new nutrition sources" retard.
We can grow enough normal food for everyone.

Cockroaches don't have milk. It's some other fluid, maybe even roach male semen. (((They))) want to change human gen code and make them more bug-like, easy to control, like Chinese are. No wonder they eat insects for centuries.

Just kill all shitskins, niggers and kikes.

Shitskin brainlet detected... It is all real, not pol made it. Look up the instagram post you retard

>Nooooo!!! We can't just find heckin new nutrition sources to feed all these extra people!!!
Nobody said that or cares about that topic, you black gorilla nigger

Nazis milked kike tittis
Now their grandchildern want us to drink cockroach milk for saying the are cockroaches kek

Can't be worse than the goyslop they already serve you in supermarkets and fast food restaurants.

Nah. I’ll milk a goat instead.

>but since insects aren't actually bad for yo
they are absolutely bad for you because of the shit and the parasite load AND omega ratio AND lack of any useful compounds like taurine or carnitine