Everything in this board is a form of cheap theatre designed to keep us from our true destiny

Everything in this board is a form of cheap theatre designed to keep us from our true destiny.

How can we begin to manifest destiny and find out what it is that we ought to be doing instead of being annoyed at news items that only exist due to electricity.

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I don't know

create white children

read the bible

so I've read the Bible, created white children, and now would love to manifest some form of reality where there are no lgbt issues, no race issues, no money-slavery and legitimately fun cooperative projects to provide narrative purpose in life.

I guess I ought to pray, eh?

practice the art of discernment and get on /x/

pol is way too retarded to discuss this kin of shit

eh I guess I was trying my luck to check the level of discourse possible on pol, hey ho

1. Focus on micro. On things you have a voice in.
2. Develop yourself if possible. Life is rough sometimes
3. Find someone to live its boring living alone and not worthy. Then you care for someone else other than parents
4. Apply your morals when possible Look rest. Lion just moves for food or for defending female/territory. Your house is your cave. Try living in a place where you can have neutral/good RS with neighbours.

Become an astronaut or go find adventures somewhere else

fake and gay, JEW SPOTTED

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Retard,leave the city,go to a place with no lights in the night and just loock the sky. Idiot kek
>Nooo we cant explore the stats there are things to fix on earth first

Faggot and retarded.

got any good leads for an adventure?

Great, even more faggots and wiggers and BP women.
>Totally saving humanity, bros! Don't pay attention that we're the biggest group of golems and easily duped by kikes!

what are you some sort of electrical engineer?

my true destiny is to be a wagie for my jewish masters
how could I be so blind

in the grand scheme of things we're all some sort of electrical engineer.

i'm an existential coherence engineer.

in a sense

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but it's a logical absurdity that there would be existence and it should be bad. if there is existence by default it ought to be worth having. life is only hell if we choose to perceive it as hell etc.

Get rid of your smart phone. I’m trading mine in for a flip phone next week

^^ this ^^

much better battery life and less distractions.

this board is full of kike shills and bots, not to mention glowies
you won't have any good discussion here

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