Save Europe! Exterminate all Arabs!

When will Europe stand up and clean itself from the Arab population. They are just stealing your money, from your country that your grandfathers fought for to make a better life for you. They didn't do shit and they they are enjoying the wealth from your handwork. If you don't stand up. You country is gonna be dominated by Arabs and so does your government and elections. IF you don't stand up now and kick them, it will become 10x times harder for you in the future

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Hello Mr FBI man

Tell that to the 90% of "anti-racist" retards in the West. You preach in a choir here

OP is a actual glownigger called (((william of Any Forums))). You can tell by his shitty newfag !!!! spaming.
He once accidently left his namefag on while shilling israel.

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The beginning with start with little actions. Start by dragging them into a fight. Arabs are so known for their aggressive behavior. Just start something by yourself and the rest will come with you.

You know the FBI is just in the USA right nigger?

Fuck your arab dick sucker. i will find you and rape you

We all hate arabs you kike. We're just not falling for your glow op. Go kill them yourself.

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War is not far away if things dont start changing soon. The amount of arabs we are against doesnt really matter.

Deus vult.

Just admin your are a coward nigger

But I'm not an admin. I'm just an user bro.
Anway, herbs Mr. Glow.

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Send them to fight against Russia. Lets Putin nuke them and exterminate them. It will be the best thing to happen in WW3

Anyone can use a European meme flag. Nigger.

you let them in
it's too late now

You know that we can still kick them right? Spanish warriors kicked their asses from Europe. Look how strong they became after

You are so coward that you are scared from an organization outside your country. UK is now full of Arabs and they will soon breed your family. kys nigger

>Be me Browsing pol
>Click on random thread
>See shitskin shilling a anti-me post
>Post fake shit

Are you okay shitskin?

Still mad you got caught shilling again, newfag?
It's ok.

Look buddy if you want to pretend to be me go right ahead! No one cares.

Also notice as soon as OP stops posting, (((soiboy of GCHQ))) starts posting?
Almost like it's the same person...
Switching from data to wifi again, kike?

>Thinks glowies need to use phone data for a new IP address....

You silly shitskin.

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Cry about Muslims all you want Gaddafi was the one holding them back and guess who bombed out the middle east and killed Gaddafi?

this, same with france, aus, usa and uk, when we will learn that immigration is an ASSAULT, its WAR, a slow death is still a death.

That trip fag is the worst.

>Calles people a nigger.
>Acts like a nigger.
You act like an American, nice projection, faggot nigger.

Grab a gun and or a knife and start the fight yourself, faggot.